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Hawkeye 08-01-2004 05:26 PM


Not only does the song feel totally out of place with all the other songs, but it's crappy, too.
I agree that does kind of sound out of place. it would've worked better after GDW, but p[lacing it in the middle shows the band making a statement that it IS part of the album. And how can you call it crappy. How could you like The Dance version and not the studio version. The same intensity is there with much better vocals.

dissention 08-01-2004 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Hawkeye
.I agree that does kind of sound out of place. it would've worked better after GDW, but p[lacing it in the middle shows the band making a statement that it IS part of the album. And how can you call it crappy. How could you like The Dance version and not the studio version. The same intensity is there with much better vocals.

Becuase I think it's crappy. Her vocals are cloying and much too high for my tastes. The screaming at the end is just that, screaming, and it's annoying. And it's not as intense as I'd prefer. Now, The Dance version has much better vocals and much better performance from the band as a whole. And the ending is brilliant, unlike the tepid studio version.

HomerMcvie 08-01-2004 05:34 PM


No but it changes the present.
Yep. And the public certainly isn't buying 20 million copies of the altered version. :lol:
Facts are facts. Period.

Lauren 08-01-2004 07:17 PM

Ok I'll play

Welcome to the Room Sara

ShamHy89 08-01-2004 08:26 PM

When I See You Again. :rolleyes:


ontheEdgeof17 08-01-2004 08:38 PM


Becuase I think it's crappy.
Is there a version of a Stevie song that you like?

dissention 08-01-2004 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by ontheEdgeof17
Is there a version of a Stevie song that you like?

Plenty. I just previously posted that I love the '97 version. ;)

77Rumours77 08-01-2004 09:07 PM

Voting Off....
Tonight is Tribal Counsel. And the vote show that When I See You Again will be the first to leave. WISYA please leave the tribal counsel area at once. All other head back to camp.

Tonights Recap
When I See You Agian - 15
Family Man - 11
welcome To The Room Sara - 2
Mystified - 2
You And I Part II - 1

Remaning Contestants
Big Love
Seven Wonders
Tango In The Night
Little Lies
Family Man
Welcome To The Room.... Sara
Isn't It Midnight
You And I, Part II

Voted Off
When I See You Again - 8/1

77Rumours77 08-01-2004 09:09 PM

Round 2..
Yet again, I am going for Family Man only cuz I hate this song!

GypsySorcerer 08-01-2004 09:11 PM

Round 2
Sara, you're not welcome in the room. Bye-bye WTTR....S!

ontheEdgeof17 08-01-2004 09:15 PM


(WISYA is a fav of mine.....oh well)


dissention 08-01-2004 09:19 PM

Welcome To the Room...Sara


HomerMcvie 08-01-2004 09:26 PM

You're not so Welcome to the Room......Sara.

GardenStateGirlie 08-01-2004 09:29 PM

I? Love Welcome To The Room...Sara. Thusly, my vote goes to Family Man

77Rumours77 08-01-2004 09:29 PM

O My!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Whats wrong with you people! JEEZZ Already 2 rounds into the game and I have to stage a protest! :rolleyes:


Violet 08-01-2004 09:35 PM

Round 2


SaraRhiannon 08-01-2004 09:37 PM

Round 2
Family Man

wondergirl9847 08-01-2004 09:40 PM

Round 2
Welcome to the Room Sara

I love every single song left!! ACK!! This is going to be as hard as Rumours Survivor...Tango along with Rumours and Tusk are my fave albums!

Wild_Heart03 08-01-2004 10:07 PM

My vote still goes to Family Man... no thank you!!

Hawkeye 08-01-2004 10:23 PM

Welcome to the Room Sara, anything to save my favorite song from this album, Family Man :p

Johnny Stew 08-01-2004 10:30 PM

Let me take a moment to mourn "When I See You Again"... a song too good for its own good. *sighs*

With that, Iamgonnavote-Iamgonnavote-Iamgonnavote-Iamgonnavote... for "Family Man" (for "Family Man").

Johnny Stew 08-01-2004 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by dissention
Becuase I think it's crappy. Her vocals are cloying and much too high for my tastes. The screaming at the end is just that, screaming, and it's annoying. And it's not as intense as I'd prefer. Now, The Dance version has much better vocals and much better performance from the band as a whole. And the ending is brilliant, unlike the tepid studio version.

Her vocals at the beginning are pretty (what you're considering cloying) because they're supposed to be... the song starts out gently and reflectively, and then builds to its emotional crescendo.
The ending from the 'Dance' version, where Stevie reprises the first line, is the only thing missing from the album version.

I usually prefer Stevie's latter-day vocals, but this is one case where the original version just can't be topped.

And in my opinion, it belongs on 'Rumours,' and always has.
In fact, it's been included on MY 'Rumours' for over a decade now. I never listen to that album without "Silver Springs."

secondhandchain 08-01-2004 10:56 PM

I vote for Seven Wonders...Sorry but I don't like Stevie's vocals on this one. How could you guys not like Mystified? Some of the most beautiful harmonies ever recorded.

Tango 08-01-2004 10:56 PM

good one.
Welcome To The Room . . . Sara.

face of glass 08-01-2004 11:55 PM

Round & Round (#2)
"Well of cooourse it was a probleeeemmm". "Welcome To The Room...Sara".

face of glass 08-01-2004 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
And in my opinion, it belongs on 'Rumours,' and always has.
In fact, it's been included on MY 'Rumours' for over a decade now. I never listen to that album without "Silver Springs."

And in my opinion "Book Of Miracles", "Down Endless Street", "Ricky" and "You And I Part 2" belong on TITN, and they always have. Just because some woman chose to be involved in the making of album for three weeks doesn't mean that these songs should be ignored in voting.
In fact, kick some of the woman's esoterica out and you'll have the album as I prefer to listen to it.

GretaRhiannon 08-02-2004 12:13 AM

Welcome to the Room...Sara kicks major monkey ass! lol so yeah, I'm still gonna vote off Family Man

Johnny Stew 08-02-2004 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by face of glass
And in my opinion "Book Of Miracles", "Down Endless Street", "Ricky" and "You And I Part 2" belong on TITN, and they always have.

"You And I, Part 2" IS on 'Tango.' ;)
Out of the non-LP b-sides from 'Tango,' the only one that deserves a place on 'Tango,' in my opinion, is "You And I, Part 1."

"Ricky" is lightweight and goes nowhere, "Book Of Miracles" is just an instrumental (I'm a snob when it comes to instrumentals, if they're going to take the place of a song with vocals), and "Down Endless Street"... well, it's the second-best of that batch of non-LP tracks, but it still sounds like an unfinished thought. :shrug:

Stevie's "esoterica" gives 'Tango' its soul... but whatever. ;)

golden braid 08-02-2004 01:10 AM

Family Man

tynan88 08-02-2004 01:12 AM

Round 2
Off ya go...Family Man...I want this round down to Seven WOnders and Welcome to the Room...Sara


PS: Hundredth Post :blob2: Yay for me!

darklinensuit 08-02-2004 01:17 AM

I love WTTR...S.

My vote is for FAMILY MAN.

- Jake

Bryan 08-02-2004 05:55 AM

Round 2
As much as I love it,im voting Wecome To The Room...Sara

ryan8472 08-02-2004 07:52 AM

Family Man. It has to go sooner or later.

Patti 08-02-2004 08:07 AM

Round 2
I think I'll go with Family Man.

face of glass 08-02-2004 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
"You And I, Part 2" IS on 'Tango.' ;)

Well screw my keyboard and my fingers then. ;)

"Ricky" is lightweight and goes nowhere...
Where would you like the song to go then? I'm guessing here that you're not moved by it emotionally. I personally love the damn thing. I think it is 'beautifully pointless', let's say it like that, unlike "WTTR...S" & "WISYA", which are bit too 'pointy' for me. :p And it is just as difficult to create a glorious question mark into your head as it is to 'bare your soul' as it has been generally expected of Stevie.

..."Book Of Miracles" is just an instrumental...
While I do believe that instruments convey emotion as much as vocals, I still would like the track with a vocal. No doubt would it have been worked upon later, if the track had been chosen to be included on the album.

"Down Endless Street"... well, it's the second-best of that batch of non-LP tracks, but it still sounds like an unfinished thought.
Another one that no doubt Lindsey would have worked upon further, if Stevie hadn't chosen to get involved in the making of TITN.

Stevie's "esoterica" gives 'Tango' its soul... but whatever. ;)
'Soul' and 'Substance', you're using different words for the same thing. ;)

The soul is just as much in there when the middle eight of "Big Love" starts crying out for help. Or when Lindsey delivers his struggling vocal for "Caroline". Or when he lets rip in the title track. Or when Chris sounds vulnerable in "Mystified" and "Little Lies". Or when "Family Man" arrives to the guitar solo. Or when the 'little child' (my image of Lindsey as he delivers that vocal) of "You And I Part Two" sings to us. And this is in the usually accepted way, mind you, through vocals and lead guitar. I haven't mentioned the arrangemental aspects yet because those can do just as much, although not in a way similar to the confessionalists, that's for sure.
Ear-candy pop? For some, maybe. Not for me.

Honestly, I'm interested in why "Silver Springs" is suddenly in a better situation than these other b-sides in these survivor polls. Yes, it is on the DVD-A and Enhanced CD reissues now, but why wasn't it on the album earlier?


The most common explanation that has been given to this is that "it didn't fit in there because of vinyl limitations". I personally think that's not a valid explanation. Fleetwood Mac had a blockbuster behind them and they were most certainly given the access to the best that Warner Brothers had to offer when they went to record Rumours. However, you still hear Mick and co saying that 'vinyl could only hold 23 minutes per side'. The latter is not true, since the '70s had seen several albums with side-lengths approaching 30 minutes, such as certain Todd Rundgren albums or Genesis' Foxtrot and Selling England By The Pound. Of course, at that point the sound quality will certainly suffer, an issue that was obviously important to certain members of Fleetwood Mac. ;)

However, there's been cases where a band has chosen to put more than 23 minutes to a vinyl LP side and the sound quality hasn't still degraded. See Martin Birch's notes from the inner sleeve of Iron Maiden's Live After Death live album:

Cutting Maiden album is often difficult, as they tend to give you fans great value by putting about 25 minutes of music on each side, whereas an album side normally runs between 16-20 minutes. This gives the cutting engineer great problems in getting all the grooves in without losing volume and clarity. However, the best can do it, and we only use the best.
So why wasn't "Silver Springs" put on the album then, if Fleetwood Mac had all the possibilities to do it? Are we speaking of Ken Caillat's and Richard Dashut's incompetence in this regard? I'd like to think not.

So yes, perhaps "Silver Springs" was left off intentionally, not because of time constraints. It's very possible that the 'flow' of the album would have been interrupted by it (and that's why they chose "I Don't Want To Know"), I've seen that as another explanation that the band members have been offering us. However, that must have been their subjective opinion of the track order; we've all seen fans on this board who arrange the track orders of every album to their own preference.

Of course, if people still want to believe that "technical reasons" kept "Silver Springs off Rumours, fine. Then it's my right to believe that "technical reasons" (in addition to the Nicksian reasons ;)) kept "You And I Part 1" (look, I got it right this time), "Down Endless Street", "Book Of Miracles" and "Ricky" off Tango In The Night. If CD had been the dominant format in 1987, the band members might have put these on the album in addition to what's already on it, of course 'finishing' two of them.

That the band members have recently been stating that "'Silver Springs' should have been on the album" doesn't mean much to me. It's all reflective of the success the track had as a single in 1997 (plus the image of Nicks belting out the words to Buckingham, more emphasis on the drama of Rumours); that's why it was added to the DVD-A and the Enhanced CD.
There hasn't been a proper reissue (like those two of Rumours mentioned above) of TITN. If such a thing emerges soon, will we redo this poll because the b-sides might be tacked on to the end of the original album? ;)

Of course, one could now say that "Silver Springs" isn't a bonus track, since it isn't tacked to the end of Rumours, it's in the middle. However, it's in between the last track of side 1 and the first track of side 2. I know of some reissues that have the same approach; Nick Cave's The First Born Is Dead and The Fall's This Nation's Saving Grace have the non-LP single sides on the cd in between the first and second sides of the original vinyl. Of course, the compilers of the Rumours reissue couldn't just figure out where to place the track yet again, so they chose the easiest route.

But whatever. What's done is done. Poll on!

face of glass 08-02-2004 08:49 AM

Bye "Family Man". :nod: Shouldn't this prove my theory of this and "WISYA" being the most obvious self-parodies that Lindsey and Stevie have ever done? Nah. "Delusions Of Grandeur". *joins Johnny in mourning*

Serrart 08-02-2004 09:15 AM

Round 2
Family Man :wavey:


Hippocampus 08-02-2004 10:45 AM

Round 2
Family Man

ShamHy89 08-02-2004 11:08 AM

Welcome to the Room...Sara


Vianna 08-02-2004 11:35 AM

I also have to mourn loss of WISYA-I love it....

As to what to vote off:

Family Man!

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