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Macfan4life 03-12-2018 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221183)
This post is ridiculous. Do you live in a bubble? Do you ever get on Yahoo or watch the nightly news or Late Night tv or the View? We are being doused daily by negative things about Trump. It started the night he won the election and hasn’t let up. To compare Ted Nugent who hasn’t even popular since the 1970s to the Dixie Chicks is ridiculous. The Dicie Chicks went over seas and threw their country under the bus. They used their free speech and people used their right to boycott. Ted Nugent still has a career but the Chicks do not? They do have career. It’s just not what it was so they are in a self imposed exile.

Who do conservatives have - Kid Rock, Scott Baio, Pat Sayjack and a few others versus everyone else in Hollywood. Hollywood can’t separate life from politics. That all they talk about.

Its sad you cant have a conversation without bringing up Trump. I get it, sometimes the truth hurts so go back to the same song ;)
Good night

Jondalar 03-12-2018 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1221186)
Its sad you cant have a conversation without bringing up Trump. I get it, sometimes the truth hurts so go back to the same song ;)
Good night

Huh???? That is what we were talking about.

FuzzyPlum 03-12-2018 08:41 AM

I don't live in America so I don't know what the answer is...but...
Why are more celebrities in the US left leaning in their views? I really am not sure of the answer.

I'd suggest perhaps celebrities are a bit more worldly. From what I can tell quite a lot of the US is rather insular. However those that have had the opportunity to travel maybe get more of a world view on issues. When Americans travel to Europe, Australia etc they come to understand that single payer health care systems and an empathetic welfare state aren't bad ideas after all. Until people witness ideas in action they tend to rely on what they are told by their 'team'.

Perhaps the Hollywood elite are a bit more world cultured as they often have to travel abroad for filming and promotion and get a different side of the story.

I'd be interested to know how many conservative Ledgies have visited Europe or even been outside the US.

SisterNightroad 03-12-2018 09:46 AM

I'd like to advice to everyone in advance to stay on topic and also warn that if you keep making posts about Trump then they'll be moved to the Hot Topic thread because it was created exactly to avoid stumbling upon needless and unwanted political comments in threads that have nothing to do with them.

However I'm not really sure if the world of the famous leans truly more towards the left or if it's just perceived to be so because I've also always known about many many conservatives both young and old, for example Clint Eastwood, William Friedkin, Bruce Willis, Charlie Sheen, Mike Tyson, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Joe Perry, Alice Cooper, Bon Jovi, Sammy Hagar and Gene Simmons immediately come to mind but there are surely more.
I think a big part of one's political preference is represented by social background, as noted by Meryl Streep last year many of those "liberal" vips aren't american born and have grown in a place very different from the conservative (not necessarily meant as synonymous of "right-winger") US.

Jondalar 03-12-2018 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1221191)
I'd like to advice to everyone in advance to stay on topic and also warn that if you keep making posts about Trump then they'll be moved to the Hot Topic thread because it was created exactly to avoid stumbling upon needless and unwanted political comments in threads that have nothing to do with them.

However I'm not really sure if the world of the famous leans truly more towards the left or if it's just perceived to be so because I've also always known about many many conservatives both young and old, for example Clint Eastwood, William Friedkin, Bruce Willis, Charlie Sheen, Mike Tyson, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Joe Perry, Alice Cooper, Bon Jovi, Sammy Hagar and Gene Simmons immediately come to mind but there are surely more.
I think a big part of one's political preference is represented by social background, as noted by Meryl Streep last year many of those "liberal" vips aren't american born and have grown in a place very different from the conservative (not necessarily meant as synonymous of "right-winger") US.

You know maybe it’s more true to say that conservatives in Hollywood are less vocal, possibly because it could affect their careers.

Now for my shock!!!!!!

CHARLIE SHEEN is conservative!!!!!!! EGADS!!!! No way!!! Someone who is constantly in open relationships with prostitutes and spent the majority of his life doing drugs. Liberals can have him. He even lied about being HIV positive to people he slept with.

Jondalar 03-12-2018 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221189)
I don't live in America so I don't know what the answer is...but...
Why are more celebrities in the US left leaning in their views? I really am not sure of the answer.

I'd suggest perhaps celebrities are a bit more worldly. From what I can tell quite a lot of the US is rather insular. However those that have had the opportunity to travel maybe get more of a world view on issues. When Americans travel to Europe, Australia etc they come to understand that single payer health care systems and an empathetic welfare state aren't bad ideas after all. Until people witness ideas in action they tend to rely on what they are told by their 'team'.

Perhaps the Hollywood elite are a bit more world cultured as they often have to travel abroad for filming and promotion and get a different side of the story.

I'd be interested to know how many conservative Ledgies have visited Europe or even been outside the US.

No they think they are more worldly and they are very pretentious. Hollywood is controlled by liberals. It’s called butt kissing.

FuzzyPlum 03-12-2018 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221193)
No they think they are more worldly and they are very pretentious. Hollywood is controlled by liberals. It’s called butt kissing.

Sorry, I'll have to take issue...
A significant number of outspoken Hollywood names are 'liberal'. I think we live in extreme times when plenty of people feel there is a need to speak out.

I don't think it fair to say Hollywood is controlled by liberals though. Some of the most powerful people in the media industry are Republicans; Rupert Murdoch (and family)- 21st Century Fox, Leslie Moonves- CBS, Steve Burke- NBC Universal, Jeff Bewkes- Time-Warner, Peter Rice- Fox, Jerry Buckheimer, Chachi.

Many/majority of the really biggest hitters in the media industry are supporters/donors for the Republican party. If people really are butt-kissing then maybe those kisses are misdirected.

Just to give clarity- I'm sure you didn't mean sleeping with people and lying about your HIV is particularly a liberal trait.

Sister NR- Please feel free to move to Hot Topics. Cheers

Jondalar- what countries have you visited????

singertobe 03-13-2018 09:07 PM

Kanye West and Nicki Minaj are conservatives? Are you sure? That doesn't seem right...

SisterNightroad 03-14-2018 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by singertobe (Post 1221204)
Kanye West and Nicki Minaj are conservatives? Are you sure? That doesn't seem right...

I can't know for sure, but I remember Kanye West openly saying he supports Trump. About Nicki Minaj now effectively I'm not sure because she doesn't say anything outright but she espressed sympathy towards some points of his program.
However I have to say that both of them don't seem like people that are actually experts in politics and support a particular party, but more people who like to generically talk about current news and each time take a different side.

secondhandchain 05-01-2018 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221164)
Yep, and that's why I'm not watching the Oscars or NFL anymore. They can speak their mind all they want, but not on my dime. They are trying to shove their opinions on people because they think they have a captive audience. It's entertainment, not a political rally. You know that. Everyone knows that. The NFL and the Oscars have lost millions of viewers because of it and it's just going to get worse.

You sound like you've been listening to Faux news on a loop.

secondhandchain 05-01-2018 12:26 AM

[QUOTE=FuzzyPlum;1221189]I don't live in America so I don't know what the answer is...but...
Why are more celebrities in the US left leaning in their views? I really am not sure of the answer.

I'd suggest perhaps celebrities are a bit more worldly. From what I can tell quite a lot of the US is rather insular. However those that have had the opportunity to travel maybe get more of a world view on issues. When Americans travel to Europe, Australia etc they come to understand that single payer health care systems and an empathetic welfare state aren't bad ideas after all. Until people witness ideas in action they tend to rely on what they are told by their 'team'.

Perhaps the Hollywood elite are a bit more world cultured as they often have to travel abroad for filming and promotion and get a different side of the story

BINGO you nailed it. When you get to travel around and meet all kinds of people you have more empathy. That's why most conservatives come from small insulated towns. They tend to like conservative candidates. I came from a small town and moved to LA. I was conservative because I was SO isolated. I have met tons of people from all over and my views have changed. That's why.


Dr.Brown 05-02-2018 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221189)
I don't live in America so I don't know what the answer is...but...
Why are more celebrities in the US left leaning in their views? I really am not sure of the answer.

I'd suggest perhaps celebrities are a bit more worldly. From what I can tell quite a lot of the US is rather insular. However those that have had the opportunity to travel maybe get more of a world view on issues. When Americans travel to Europe, Australia etc they come to understand that single payer health care systems and an empathetic welfare state aren't bad ideas after all. Until people witness ideas in action they tend to rely on what they are told by their 'team'.

Perhaps the Hollywood elite are a bit more world cultured as they often have to travel abroad for filming and promotion and get a different side of the story

BINGO you nailed it. When you get to travel around and meet all kinds of people you have more empathy. That's why most conservatives come from small insulated towns. They tend to like conservative candidates. I came from a small town and moved to LA. I was conservative because I was SO isolated. I have met tons of people from all over and my views have changed. That's why.


Rubbish. I was born and raised in a large city, lived in large Democrat strongholds in the Upper Midwest and Northeastern US. I've also lived in a large Asian city for two years and in a large European city for nearly five years. In between, I've traveled to many other countries in Europe and Latin America. I'm well-educated with a Masters degree and, yes, I'm conservative.

My experience has been that it is liberals who have been those with a provincial, insular mindset, intolerant of those who hold an opinion contrary to their own. In college, I've seen them routinely shout down speakers and cover up signs that they disagreed with. I've seen the same behavior in large liberal cities. Hollywood stars that do not espouse liberal views are quickly marginalized. This is a form of groupthink and they quickly pat themselves on the back for enforcing the rules of their 'team'.

sasja 05-29-2018 04:30 PM

My quick notion on why Hollywood is predominantly liberal:

to be an artist, and an actor in particular, requires you are able to walk in someone else's shoes. To have empathy, and sympathy. To care about others-- their feelings, their reactions, their plights. To not be selfish, but to be inclusive and all-encompassing. I am convinced actors and artists are blessed with more spindle cells in their frontal lobe than perhaps the average homo sapiens.
It stands to reason that this impacts their ways of living and thinking and being as well. I am very glad about it and wish that more folks followed their example. I always tell my oldest, a budding young scientist trying to zero in on a field of study and research, (in 6th grade already, and he doesn't have it from me, this math and science brain, trust me), that if he can find a way to duplicate and inject spindle-cells in the un-empathetic, he will have achieved world peace.


Here's hoping!

secondhandchain 10-18-2018 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1221180)
But do you have the same views if you went to a Kid Rock or Ted Nugent concert? Each spends endless time on political rants. You say they are entertainers and are paid to entertain. Are you against the Hollywood just because they are liberal? Hollywood was and always will be liberal. I could care less. If I went to a Ted Nugent concert I could care less about his political speeches too. I don't get into silencing people for their views or beliefs. The worst censorship is when radio, media, and country music artists took aim at the Dixie Chicks for one comment that was barely political. They went out to destroy their careers. Radio stations no longer played Dixie Chicks and they were banned from events. Even the Country Music awards took prime time aim at them. That is so wrong.
John Fogerty is/was a political activist. In 2004 he went overboard in attacking George Bush at all his concerts. And you know what? George Bush had John Fogerty songs programmed into his own Ipod and considered him one of his favorites.
You must learn to separate your political views from everything in life. There is a full world of experiences out there. There is tons of liberal hypocrisy. But there is also conservative hypocrisy. Nugent has said way worse things about Obama than the Dixie Chicks said about Bush. Nugent was not banned from radio like the Dixie Chicks were. Nugent still has a career but the Chicks do not.

You can't bet your A## that if Ted idiot Nugent got on the Grammys and spouted his political craziness, he would LOVE IT.

secondhandchain 10-18-2018 11:47 PM

[QUOTE=Jondalar;1221118]when someone watches an award show or the NFL, "they are watching it for entertainment, not to preached at by some self-appointed, spoiled butthole."

Remember that next time you post something political on the Rumours board. We just want to go their for entertainment. And you have been SO guilty of what angers you about the Oscars. Pot meet kettle.

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