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Dodfather 12-10-2010 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by louielouie2000 (Post 926575)
Oh, same here... I'm a dirty, filthy whore. But hearing the 'rents going at it? I think I'd rather be water boarded. Sex and family just never, ever mix. EVER! :laugh:

Hahaha! In my head that takes over from Dani's quote yesterday... I have to aghree with louie though. I can be pretty dirty when the mood takesme but having heard my parents once it is not something I care to repeat. I'd hear my brother ocassionally but that's a bit different - although not exactly pleasant!

On that note, the woman wholives in the flat above mine has a boyfriend who works on the oil rigs offshore - 1 month on, one month off. When he gets back, as he did last night, believe me I know about it! Her bedroom is above mine... Last night I heard them having a damn good time for that first night back! The thing is, she's a lovely girl and always chats when I see her and seems very shy/quiet but man, no way! They say it's the quiet ones aftyer all, hehe. I'm kinda glad I didn't see her as I left for work this morning. She no way knows how much she can be heard, lol.

louielouie2000 12-10-2010 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dodfather (Post 926643)
Hahaha! In my head that takes over from Dani's quote yesterday... I have to aghree with louie though. I can be pretty dirty when the mood takesme but having heard my parents once it is not something I care to repeat. I'd hear my brother ocassionally but that's a bit different - although not exactly pleasant!

On that note, the woman wholives in the flat above mine has a boyfriend who works on the oil rigs offshore - 1 month on, one month off. When he gets back, as he did last night, believe me I know about it! Her bedroom is above mine... Last night I heard them having a damn good time for that first night back! The thing is, she's a lovely girl and always chats when I see her and seems very shy/quiet but man, no way! They say it's the quiet ones aftyer all, hehe. I'm kinda glad I didn't see her as I left for work this morning. She no way knows how much she can be heard, lol.

Ugh, I heard my little Brother and his girlfriend going at it one night a couple of years back at my parents lake house. That place is so strange... the exterior walls are probably 12" thick solid logs, so you hear NOTHING outside. But the interior walls might as well be made of tissue paper. You can literally hear when someone rolls over quietly in the bedroom next to you. Hearing my Brother having sex was in it's own way more disturbing than hearing my parents constantly go at it growing up. Yuck.

I still have yet to hear a neighbor, actually. I feel so sorry for the people who were my various flat mates and/or neighbors over the years, though. Especially during college... sheesh :o

Dodfather 12-10-2010 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by louielouie2000 (Post 926644)
I feel so sorry for the people who were my various flat mates and/or neighbors over the years, though. Especially during college... sheesh :o

Are you a bit vocal then louie?! Hehe - do tell...

Oh and before anyone asks re. my last post... she's hot and I would. I'd have to see if I could live up to whatever the Hell her guy actually does though, but I like a challenge!

Oh - this reminds me of another story from way back in first year of my Undergraduate (2000). We alllived in halls and there was a group of us sitting drinking in a friends room. We suddenly heard the guy upstairs and his gf/a random/who knows?! get started (THIN walls, ceilings etc) and then, seriously, a minute later... we heard his very happy ending. We sat there and then one of my mates started laughing and we all gave the guy upstairs a loud round of applause!

bucklind17 12-10-2010 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nikolaj (Post 926642)
Thanks for the many answers on the Tampons. They sound popular. Confusing, though.
I'd think it would make walking strange.
Is a woman able to tell when looking at another woman walk 'Oh yeah, she's got a tampon in?' I'd have no idea.
Does it ever fall out if you run to catch an elevator, a train, a bus, for any reason?
And, what if you're on a rollercoaster, and sometimes they go upside down? If it fell out, would it fly up to your neck after it fell down to your ankles?
You can get toxic schock if you forget to take it out? Dang. Do you pull the string to take it out? Why a string and not a small, thin handle? What if the string breaks? Can you attach another string from an unused one, but then what do you do with the one with no string?
I guess you can go into a swimming pool with them, I seem to remember television commercials that said you could swim, play tennis, go bowling, horseback riding. But wouldn't high tide at the ocean definitely knock it out? Later tv commercials mentioned some of them having "wings"-- Wings? Maybe that was just a phase. What would wings do? Make it easier to remove?
Every month for a week? I guess men should be nicer to women.
I'm sorry, I just find it mysterious.
Ok- last thing- it does seem like the dozen responses or so maybe have stopped- but there's a contraceptive sponge, right? Wouldn't a box of appropriately shaped sponges on a coated string be a better and more economical solution, and you'd be able to wash the sponges in warm soapy water, let air dry like pantyhose, maybe even in the pantyhose, and then reuse the sponges every month?
I think a woman should perfect these ideas invented by men a century ago and make a mint making the lives of women easier every month.

It doesn't make anything strange. They're designed to move with you. It's not like shoving a stick up there. No one can ever tell that anyone else is wearing one and the way that whole area is built, there's really no way of it falling out either. Your body kind of contracts around it so that unless you give it a little pull, it isn't going anywhere. Strings are sturdy and flexible and don't get in the way too much or make themselves otherwise noticeable. I can't imagine having a handle! Pads have wings, not tampons, and the wings help to keep the pad from moving around too much. They're adhesive bits that stick to the underside of underwear in addition to the adhesive already on the length of the pad itself.

And that's enough talk about that from me this morning! :)

HejiraNYC 12-10-2010 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by APerfectLie (Post 926624)
Most of them are killed off by the time of diagnosis, and then there is a resurgence of them called the "honeymoon" period soon after diagnosis, but those are then killed off within weeks or months. However, for the rest of your life your body continues to make islet cells and destroy them at usually the same rate. That is why some days diabetes seems to be easier to manage, because your body has killed your cells at a slower rate, leaving a few insulin producing cells. However, aside from the honeymoon period, type one diabetics produce practically no insulin at all. Increases in insulin and meds have to do with de-sensitivity to insulin due to cellular changes in the body, such as weight gain, body growth, or lower metabolism, but not due to losing more insulin producing cells. Type 2 diabetes is however more progressive since it is caused by reduced insulin sensitivity and over increased pancreatic activity which can be followed by even more decreased sensitivity and lower pancreatic islet cell function.

It does depend on the time of diagnosis and when the first signs are noted- hyper/hypoglycemia, HbA1C, etc. Direct measurement of c-peptide is a 1:1 surrogate for the body's ability to produce insulin; this will go down as the disease progresses. Indeed, once you get to the point of requiring insulin, the beta cells are mostly fried.

HejiraNYC 12-10-2010 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by APerfectLie (Post 926626)
That must have been a huge bathtub or you all must have been small! I don't think I could possibly fit two kids in the bath with me. Speaking of bathtubs, my sister once walked in on me taking a bath when I was 12 and she was 16, and then she proceeded to run and tell the entire family that I was masturbating while bathing even tho I wasn't!

Another embarrassing story of when I was 12. My sister dressed me up in drag and then took pictures of me. My mom then had those pictures developed and thought they were the greatest thing ever and loved to pull them out and show people. I confiscated those pics tho and now have them stored away somewhere. It's funny to me now, but back then I hated ever posing for those pics! Now.

It was a standard issue bathtub. My sister was as old as 9 by the time this practice ended. I think. :eek: We weren't big kids. After all these years, what I don't understand is why she made us do this. To conserve water? Yes, family bathing is a tradition in the "old country," but the bathtubs there are enormous; they're often square-shaped and have seats in them. And I suppose the conservation of water in the olden days was imperative, especially if you lived out in the country. But here we're talking about living in a regular split ranch house in 1970s suburban America.

Oh, also, in the spirit of TMI, I was circumcised the summer I turned 9. :shocked: I don't recall wearing pants that entire summer... Traumatized doesn't event begin to describe it... For literally the next 15 years, showering or bathing was an excruciating experience. You're welcome.

GypsySorcerer 12-10-2010 09:26 AM

I never walked in on my parents that I recall. My mom, who is generally rather conservative, would share some random TMI things occasionally. Upon being told that I was conceived accidentally (while she was using the sponge or spermicide or something like that), she then proceeded to tell me that they had given up all birth control except withdrawal. Her exact words were, "Your dad is really good at pulling out." :eek: She also overshared about her having sex with a tampon in; she ultimately couldn't remove it and had to go to the emergency room. :laugh:

DefDumbandBlond 12-10-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by HejiraNYC (Post 926610)
Okay, now for all you tampon wearers... once it's in, are you constantly reminded that something is jammed up there, or do you not notice it? If so, do you ever forget to take it out? Has the string ever accidentally broken off? Have you ever lost track of the calendar or forgotten to take pre-emptive measures? Do you cringe every time you hear U2's "Sunday, Bloody Sunday?"

This thread is gold. :laugh: No, once it's in you don't notice it (that's why you hear about some people completely forgetting it's in :eek:), I've never forgotten, string has yet to break off on me, I'm so irregular so there's no point in keeping track, and I cringe at U2 period 99% of the time unless it's one of the few songs I like. :D

kak125 12-10-2010 11:28 AM

OMG this thread is cracking me up. I am reading this at work and laughing like a jacka** - ha ha! Please keep it going the TOM questions are soo funny. I never realized you men were that clueless but it makes sense. All I have to say is thank goodness for tampons and yes getting the TOM every month sucks. I get so bitchy and tired a few days before that I want to kill somebody. The worst part is that I have no control over it. I dont realize I am being that way till my bad mood passes.

kak125 12-10-2010 11:29 AM

Ok strange question for you all. Did you ever have a green poop? That happened to me the night of thanksgiving for 2 days. I dont know what it was but it freaked me out for a bit. I read it can turn green if you eat too much green food but I always eat alot of green beans so that wasnt it. All I know is I was sick to my stomach for a few days.

HomerMcvie 12-10-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by kak125 (Post 926682)
Ok strange question for you all. Did you ever have a green poop? That happened to me the night of thanksgiving for 2 days. I dont know what it was but it freaked me out for a bit. I read it can turn green if you eat too much green food but I always eat alot of green beans so that wasnt it. All I know is I was sick to my stomach for a few days.

HAHAHA, yes, once.
I play in a band, and most places, we get whatever drinks we want, for free. Well, that weekend, I was into drinking "Grasshoppers"(creme de menthe, with ice cream). Well, over the course of the entire weekend, I had probably 15-20 grasshoppers. Sunday, I got up and went to the bathroom.....after about 30 seconds of sheer panic, of why I could be dying.....I realized that 20 grasshoppers, will indeed, turn your poo green!:laugh:

HomerMcvie 12-10-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by GypsySorcerer (Post 926657)
I never walked in on my parents that I recall. My mom, who is generally rather conservative, would share some random TMI things occasionally. Upon being told that I was conceived accidentally (while she was using the sponge or spermicide or something like that), she then proceeded to tell me that they had given up all birth control except withdrawal. Her exact words were, "Your dad is really good at pulling out." :eek: She also overshared about her having sex with a tampon in; she ultimately couldn't remove it and had to go to the emergency room. :laugh:

Really? That's like going to the movies, and walking out before the end! Even when I've promised to pull out, I was lying.:sorry:, but I was.

I've often wondered about that....because isn't the vaginal canal only like 6-7 inches long? Wouldn't douching or something, help "rinse" out an object? Or once it's way up there, there's no moving it?

God, I love this thread!:D

Dodfather 12-10-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by kak125 (Post 926681)
I never realized you men were that clueless but it makes sense. All I have .

We're not all that clueless! This is quite a thread though.

ButterCookie 12-10-2010 02:19 PM

RE: Poop
I've never had abnormal coloured poop but I know that the friend I've known for the longest was woken up one morning by his middle sister screeching "MUUM, I'VE GOT BLUE POO!!"

Turned out, she'd eaten too much candy floss at the fair the day before :lol:

CreepingDeath 12-10-2010 02:21 PM

Did you ever accidentally 'walk in' on either parent when they were naked, and/or having sex? Were you traumatized? Were they?

The only thing I know about my mother and stepfather's "sex life" is he was very selfish and would force himself on her. Ah, the things you learn when your parents fight.

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