View Full Version : Anyone heard the Jana Anderson album?

12-24-2009, 11:03 AM
Hio guys,

I've just read on the nickslive blog that Jana has her own album out called Never Say Never. Has anyone heard it? Any good?

12-24-2009, 02:50 PM
Hio guys,

I've just read on the nickslive blog that Jana has her own album out called Never Say Never. Has anyone heard it? Any good?

Interesting. I can't believe that Stevie wouldn't have done a background vocal or 2 on the album, just to show support. I'm going to look on Amazon.


12-24-2009, 03:08 PM
Interesting. I can't believe that Stevie wouldn't have done a background vocal or 2 on the album, just to show support. I'm going to look on Amazon.


Maybe Jana wanted this album to have nothing to do with Stevie, and for good reason. If Stevie had done some background vocals, the album would have been marketed with a focus on Stevie's contributions, and not Jana's singing ability. Jana is virtually an unknown in the music business (especially as a solo artist), and she wants to build a name for herself, and not with Stevie bolstering her up.

12-24-2009, 06:52 PM
Maybe Jana wanted this album to have nothing to do with Stevie, and for good reason. If Stevie had done some background vocals, the album would have been marketed with a focus on Stevie's contributions, and not Jana's singing ability. Jana is virtually an unknown in the music business (especially as a solo artist), and she wants to build a name for herself, and not with Stevie bolstering her up.

Perhaps. Although, I don't think doing back up vocals on one song would be that big a deal. I wasn't even envisioning the kind of contribution Stevie made to Vanessa's album, nothing as big as that. I don't think the p.r. people make that much of a fuss over background vocals, as opposed to a duet. If she was all over it like Magnet & Steel that would be one thing, but no marketing people are going to put that big a focus on unobtrusive backing vocals, especially in 2009, as opposed to 1978.


12-25-2009, 01:28 AM
[Here's an interview. She mentions touring with FM and how she was chosen to replace Mindy, her LIB blooper . . . Did LIB really sell to tons and tons of people or did she mean to say "tens and tens of people":laugh:]

Country Stars Central

(CSC) 1. You’ve got a lot going on in your world these past few months. What’s the latest with you?

(Jana Anderson)

The latest thing right now with me is I’ve run into a couple of people who could make a very big difference in my solo career. I’ve been super busy doing shows two days in a row; one off and two in a row. It’s been non stop with Fleetwood Mac but I’m enjoying every minute of it!! I haven’t been able to put the energy that I need to into my solo career but since I’ve been off the road for the summer, I have really been able to concentrate on that. I have a couple “secret weapons” that I’m about to be in touch with and move it on forward. (Laughs)

(CSC) 2. You’re currently on tour with Fleetwood Mac. Tell what that has been like for you, and how did the opportunity first arise?

(Jana Anderson)

It’s amazing! We’re treated really well. It’s a great family of people. My best friends basically are in it. It came about because a girl that I toured with, with Don Henley (Mindy Stein), got pregnant and when she was about seven months pregnant they needed to replace her. So I was put in a pot of three girls and then after that happened then I think as the story goes, I’m not sure but this is what I’ve been told, Stevie asked Don Henley out of those three girls which one they should hire and he said me! So I was very, very lucky and blessed.

(CSC) 3. If you could single out one important lesson you’ve learned on this tour with the band, what would it be and why?

(Jana Anderson)

I would say just watching the graciousness that they have towards their fans, the time that they give them and the way they listen to them. They go about things like baby steps as if sometimes they’re just starting out. They know that it’s a constant process and I think that it’s taught me to have a lot of patience. Even though you’re super, super famous, I’ve learned that you still have to work really hard. Since I’m just starting out, it opens up my eyes a lot to just being patient and to continue to keep putting one foot in front of the other; eventually something’s going to happen for me.

(CSC) 4. What can listeners expect to hear from your debut and what style of music are you gearing towards with it?

(Jana Anderson)

Well it’s definitely a country CD. I would say that it definitely has a rock edge though also. I have so many different influences from touring with a lot of people and it gives you an idea of what really lives in me. There may be some of those styles on the CD vocally as well. I basically want to honor the songs. Some of the styles may have a hair bit of R & B vocal in them and some of them are just like sing a melody down. It’s a country CD but I would say it’s similar in style to Carrie Underwood, The Eagles, and Keith Urban; sort of country/rock/pop. That’s what I would say. (Laughs)

(CSC) 5. Growing up in Minnesota, what was life like for you? Are there any special memories you’d like to share?

(Jana Anderson)

Well, I’m a minister’s daughter so people would always apologize to me if they were swearing which made me feel very uncomfortable. I grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis before it was all built up, so I wasn’t afraid of critters. (Laughs) I wanted to be a Vet when I grew up. I would go around the neighborhood and find out wherever the animals were and help them. My parents had to call the police when I was five years old to find out where their kid went! (Laughs) I’d pick up salamanders and frogs and stuff. I called every spider Helen and I wouldn’t let my mother kill them. I guess you could say I am fifty percent country and fifty percent city. I love glamour but I just love getting in my boots and walking in a pasture where the horses hang out. My dream is to have a horse. I love horseback riding on my free time.

(CSC) 6. Where and when did you first realize that you wanted to be in the music business and what would you say was your first BIG BREAK so far?

(Jana Anderson)

My first big break, oh man!! Well, that’s a good question because a lot of things happened all at once for me. I knew I wanted to be in the business after the first year of doing it. It just seemed like it’s just something that lives in your veins. Either you want to be on the road or you don’t. I fell in love with singing and I really fell in love with watching people, kind of bored and waiting for the show to start, to seeing their eyes light up once the show began. That’s addictive when you feel like you can do something to make somebody happy. I guess working with Don Henley and Prince was a blessing and a break for me. There are just too many things that kind of happened at once but when they give you encouragement that feels like a really big break. I’m still waiting for my first big break! That’s really what I am; I’m waiting for my first big break! Although this is a dream for me and for millions of others, I love this life and I want a lot more from it. I have my own voice!

(CSC) 7. As a new artist emerging into Country Music, what do you want to share about yourself with our readers?

(Jana Anderson)

That I love people whether it’s who I’m about to sing with on stage in a half an hour, I treat them the same as I would a waiter or waitress at a restaurant. I grew up that way from humble beginnings. My parents are the kindest people I’ll ever know in that the way they treat people. I want people to know that I really care. If I don’t have time it’s just because I’m on voice patrol, I’m tired, I’m traveling too much or my schedule is turned around. I want more than anything for people to know that I’m sincere and I’m really goofy! If you could only see me on!! Making people laugh is number one and making people know that they’re heard and that I care.

(CSC) 8. Who are some “legendary” female artists in the Country Music circle that have influenced you in some way?

(Jana Anderson)

I would say that I pick legends that have a personality and a talent I love; Barbara Mandrell and Dolly Parton. They just seem like real people. Strong women, fun, and they don’t take themselves too seriously which I love in a person. I love people who are real and they’re great singers too. If you try to sing their songs you realize how great they are. Sometimes singers are so good, it sounds so effortless, that you don’t even realize how good they are until you try to do it yourself. I love the Gatlin’s and their harmonies. I love Kenny Rogers, Lee Greenwood and Reba. I love Carrie Underwood. I love, love, love Rascal Flatts and Keith Urban. I think I play my Rascal Flatts CD’s more than any CD’s in my collection. Carrie might be second. I love Gretchen Wilson’s fire, her feistiness and her great song writing. I think Taylor Swift is great. There’s so many. There are so many new ones that I think are so great. I think that you need the full package now with country music. Some of these guys are pretty easy on the eyes (Laughs) these new ones that are coming up.

(CSC) 9. Working with Stevie Nicks through the years can you recall any humorous mishaps on the stage or from behind-the-scenes?

(Jana Anderson)

Yes, when we were taping my tenth show or maybe even my tenth day with Fleetwood Mac, I only had one run through versus where they had three months of rehearsals and I had just come in the middle of the tour. I only had one run through and the next night was in an arena. Then they recorded the “Live in Boston” DVD that sold to tons and tons of people. When I went down the ramp to get backstage, it was the one night that had a weird step and it wasn’t lit and I fell and got really hurt and it was before band intros. So, there I stood there in pain, smiling while Mick introduced me to the audience. I know one more mishap on stage was also during the taping of the “Live in Boston” DVD. I sang one “Stand Back” where it didn’t belong at the end of the song. I’ve never done it at any other show before or since. It just happened to be during the taping that everything happened. Since they were recording live with us on different channels, they just erased those two words. We didn’t have any recording studio over dubs or anything like that so they just took it out. That’s brutal honesty on the CD because we’re singing for real up there.

(CSC) 10. What keeps you grounded and what motivates you in life?

(Jana Anderson)

What keeps me grounded is my Christian faith and knowing that I wasn’t born here deserving anything that I didn’t work for. That’s kind of just my entire core value. It keeps me very grateful. If you’re grateful every day then you’re going to be happy. I’m always thinking or saying “Thank you.” My parents are the nicest people I’ll ever know no matter how old I live to be. They’re so sweet. It’s very grounding to be around love and whatever dreams do or don’t come true. I’m well looked out after and loved. That’s what keeps me grounded and my friends do too. I’m the most teased person on this tour, hands down. (Laughs) For instance one of the guys backstage will come to get us and he’ll say “Ladies and Jana” we’re ready for you to hit the stage. (Laughs) It’s just constant so that is what keeps me grounded by being teased all the time.

(CSC) 11. Where would you like to see yourself professionally in the next two years?

(Jana Anderson)

I’d like to have had a few top hits. I’d like them to be “Never Say Never,” “One Way Road,” “Memory of Your Kiss,” followed by “Eyes of Love.” If I’m going to dream, I’m going to dream big. (Laughs) That’s my dream.

(CSC) 12. Lastly, if you could tour or perform with any country artist who would it be and why?

(Jana Anderson)

I want to open for Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban or Brad Paisley and have that be my first big step to being found out about. The Rascal Flatts would be my choice because they entertain you when I’m just listening to their CDs. I can’t imagine if I got to be backstage or on stage with them or sing a duet or whatever. I just love their production. To me they have the total package of the best songs. That’s what I think I love most about Carrie and Rascal Flatts. Number one they have the best songs, followed by the best production. I love the way they sing. They’re believable, sincere and they’re not adding that “HUH” or that fake country cry (not to be confused with the real ones that come from the heart). You know that fake thing that people who are singing country or start singing country think they have to add. Kind of the way they say their “r’s.” I’ve kind of diagnosed the vocal side of different CD’s country wise or just any style. I can just tell when a producer has told them to do something, if it’s been punched in or if it’s insincere. As goofy as I am, I’m really sincere and I like to believe what I’m hearing. That’s what I do when I listen to them.