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04-16-2009, 07:26 PM
I see a thread for "What annoys you the most about other drivers?" So I thought along that line, so why not "What annoys you the most about other concert goers?

Mine are:

1. It's annoying when you're trying to take pictures & the people in front of you are constantly are putting up their arms. I know they are excited, but they can be annoying at the same time. And do you have do it during EVERY song?

2. It's annoying to me to see people at concerts wearing other artists t-shirts. :shrug: So you don't own a Mac t-shirt & you stick on another artist (& I like this artist, too). But it just annoys me. Just wear a plain shirt already. :nod:

3. Smoking cigs &/or weed inside the venue annoys me. My husband has asthma (& I think Stevie does as well), but not only that, the second hand smoke causes cancer. :distress: Go smoke outside!

4. If you going to dress up like Stevie or any other artist, don't do it half way or even 1/4 way. Being a guy & wearing just a gold shaw is not enough. This is annoying. :laugh: At least a blonde Stevie wig and/or black dress would have been even better. Linds would have laughed harder during Storms if you would have dressed up even more! :nod:

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Lee :)

04-16-2009, 08:08 PM
When I went and saw the Eagles earlier this year, I was super pumped. Those were the best seats I had ever had and I was going to have an awesome time no matter what. So, they launch into "Hotel California" and I'm on my feet. Then this lady behind me tells me to sit down. WTF?! I won't say what I wanted to say, but if you can't stand for fricking "Hotel California" then what the hell are you doing at an EAGLES concert? I mean maybe I'm just an obnoxious teenager but I just don't understand why you would buy tickets to a rock concert and want to sit through the whole thing. That's just dumb.

04-16-2009, 09:43 PM
I feel ya. It seems I always end up around some snotty too-good-to-stand-or-cheer casual fans with money whenever I go to concerts. When I saw Paul Simon's show, which was incredible the entire row in front of me was wearing Burberry coats and loafers and were sitting there, legs crossed, with smug looks on their faces. I personally didn't complain much because when I stood the fact that they were sitting made my view excellent. But they had pretty lousy attitudes and were sticking their noses up at people who were dancing. They were so snotty that I'm pretty sure the one lady hired someone to take the concert pics for her.

I don't care what anyone wears to a concert one iota but I CAN'T STAND people who go to shows and sit there with no energy and enthusiasm, especially when it's a rock concert, but even with someone like Paul Simon who's music is so much fun...just sitting there and chatting? You suck!:rolleyes:

04-16-2009, 09:58 PM
I feel ya. It seems I always end up around some snotty too-good-to-stand-or-cheer casual fans with money whenever I go to concerts. When I saw Paul Simon's show, which was incredible the entire row in front of me was wearing Burberry coats and loafers and were sitting there, legs crossed, with smug looks on their faces. I personally didn't complain much because when I stood the fact that they were sitting made my view excellent. But they had pretty lousy attitudes and were sticking their noses up at people who were dancing. They were so snotty that I'm pretty sure the one lady hired someone to take the concert pics for her.

I don't care what anyone wears to a concert one iota but I CAN'T STAND people who go to shows and sit there with no energy and enthusiasm, especially when it's a rock concert, but even with someone like Paul Simon who's music is so much fun...just sitting there and chatting? You suck!:rolleyes:

Totally agree. I'm sitting there thinking,"Geez. You are 10 feet from Don Henley and you cant even stand up."

Joe Walsh is up there owning some "Life in the Fast Lane" and she's sitting there discussing what she bought at Macy's yesterday. WTF?!

04-17-2009, 12:44 AM
Ones that are drunk before the show even starts. When I went to see Stevie last year there were a couple a Drunks people in front of us that were drunk well before the show started and ended up getting thrown out a couple songs in. Way to waste 90 bucks on tickets.

04-17-2009, 12:50 AM
Assholes who are careless with their beverages (alcoholic or otherwise) and are oblivious to when/where they spill them- even when its pointed out to them.

When I'm front row at a reserved seat concert- assholes who shove/grope their way into my personal space towards the end of the show. I have a perfect record in successfully getting these idiots thrown out of the venue in short order.

04-17-2009, 02:49 AM
2. It's annoying to me to see people at concerts wearing other artists t-shirts. :shrug: So you don't own a Mac t-shirt & you stick on another artist (& I like this artist, too). But it just annoys me. Just wear a plain shirt already. :nod:

Really? When I was younger there was an unwritten rule that you shouldn't wear a t-shirt of the band you are going to see because it was considered uncool :laugh: The one exception was if you bought the t-shirt at the show. I don't know though, I'm just saying. It might be a teenage thing.

I don't go to many arena shows, most of the bands I like tend to play clubs so one of my big annoyances is when really tall people stand at the front. I realise it's not their fault but for the next few rows standing behind them it's impossible to see.

The thing that annoys me most though is people talking throughout the show. I don't understand why you'd paid to see someone play and then pay no attention at all throughout the performance. It's weird.

04-17-2009, 08:53 AM
I see a thread for "What annoys you the most about other drivers?" So I thought along that line, so why not "What annoys you the most about other concert goers?

1. It's annoying when you're trying to take pictures & the people in front of you are constantly are putting up their arms. I know they are excited, but they can be annoying at the same time. And do you have do it during EVERY song?


04-17-2009, 09:42 AM
I agree with Nico about the how shall we say less than enthusiastic audience members...why would you pay so much to be in the front row and not even get up? The two people sitting next to me at Fleetwood Mac literally looked like they were asleep! So bizarre. Lindsey and I kept exchanging wtf looks with eachother.:lol: After the show I was talking to them a bit, and I guess the girlfriend wanted to go but didn't know that many of the songs and the boyfriend thought it would be a good way to impress her by dropping some cash for front row seats. Uh...okay.

As for the picture thing and people waving their arms about, you can't really stop that, it is a concert! I take pictures but I realize it doesn't give me the right to be mad if people are having a good time and getting in the way of my shots (except for the obnoxious drunks).

04-17-2009, 10:12 AM
When people get drunk and act stupid. I don't think alcohol should be served at concerts. When you are in the nosebleed section and people in front of you want to stand the whole time, when you just want to sit and enjoy the music....sorry, but I get annoyed by that.

04-17-2009, 10:40 AM
Australian audiences seem to be a bit more reserved, generally people only stand up in the front few rows or move out to the aisle if they want to dance. I've never yet seen anyone waving their arms around (unless out in the aisle dancing) or waving banners at any Australian concert I've been to.

However I went to see Bob Dylan many years ago and I was about 10 rows from the front in the Lounge section. All I wanted to do was sit back and listen to the music and enjoy it. Everyone came down from the back rows and stood around in front of me. Eventually I had to stand up and fight my way to having a view (ended up maybe 5 metres from B0b).

I can not stand crowds at the best of times, and normally have to book an aisle seat so that I don't feel too claustrophobic. For people to stand up and crowd around me is inconsiderate. How I handled being crushed in a crowd for two hours at that concert I will never know...

04-17-2009, 11:32 AM
I see a thread for "What annoys you the most about other drivers?" So I thought along that line, so why not "What annoys you the most about other concert goers?

Mine are:

1. It's annoying when you're trying to take pictures & the people in front of you are constantly are putting up their arms. I know they are excited, but they can be annoying at the same time. And do you have do it during EVERY song?

2. It's annoying to me to see people at concerts wearing other artists t-shirts. :shrug: So you don't own a Mac t-shirt & you stick on another artist (& I like this artist, too). But it just annoys me. Just wear a plain shirt already. :nod:

3. Smoking cigs &/or weed inside the venue annoys me. My husband has asthma (& I think Stevie does as well), but not only that, the second hand smoke causes cancer. :distress: Go smoke outside!

4. If you going to dress up like Stevie or any other artist, don't do it half way or even 1/4 way. Being a guy & wearing just a gold shaw is not enough. This is annoying. :laugh: At least a blonde Stevie wig and/or black dress would have been even better. Linds would have laughed harder during Storms if you would have dressed up even more! :nod:

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Lee :)

Unless that guy is the one and only, Alex! :laugh:

04-17-2009, 01:50 PM
An excellent topic! I vented enough on this in my Philly review but loud conversation during a concert bugs me to end. I can understand a few words here and there...of course, that's going to happen. But when people are completely consumed in their conversation to the point of not even looking at the stage...I find it completely disrespectful and rude, not just to the performers but to the people around them. These two loud, obnoxious, self centered women next to me ruined Storms because all I could hear was their chatter. And when they weren't chatting, they were on their blackberrys. Honestly, why even go to a show if you're not going to watch or listen to it? :confused::confused::confused:

04-17-2009, 01:52 PM
I get annoyed that at concerts when people MUST stand up in front of you at some points, and at others sit down, and if you want to stand have to do it in the aisle.
NOTE: I also hate that when I stand up at concerts I get yelled at cause I'm tall and people in back of me can't see. That's Heightest!! :mad:

I hate when they try to say you can't take pictures at venues. There are things called 'phone cameras' now anyways.

And at Mac Concerts specifically:
I hate that people stand only during Stevie's songs, and like GOYW, then sit for the Lindsey's. That bugs me SO much.

04-17-2009, 03:00 PM
Assholes who are careless with their beverages (alcoholic or otherwise) and are oblivious to when/where they spill them- even when its pointed out to them. :) yep. 1) concert endshow having to walk through a mashed mess of what looks like wet toiletpaper pulverized by dance) 2) drunks 3) although I do enjoy pics; a sea of cellphones can become annoying at times.

04-18-2009, 01:17 PM
Then this lady behind me tells me to sit down. I mean why you would buy tickets to a rock concert and want to sit through the whole thing. That's just dumb.
When I saw FM recently I danced thru the whole show and no one ever told/asked me to sit down, prolly cause they know I can kick their ass. I'm the gay gangsta buddy!

04-19-2009, 04:35 PM
There was a dude who I think was smoking weed at our concert last night- kind of odd and weird. I was waiting for Stevie to say something!

04-19-2009, 04:42 PM
There was a dude who I think was smoking weed at our concert last night- kind of odd and weird. I was waiting for Stevie to say something!

Yes, she would say, "Lindsey, put that thing out! We're LIVE!"

04-19-2009, 05:26 PM
There was a dude who I think was smoking weed at our concert last night- kind of odd and weird. I was waiting for Stevie to say something!

I would find it odd/weird if I went to a rock concert and DIDN'T smell weed at some point.

04-20-2009, 08:06 PM
I see a thread for "What annoys you the most about other drivers?" So I thought along that line, so why not "What annoys you the most about other concert goers?I get annoyed when all the boys & girls stand up & scream & shout.

I don't mind it at the ballgame, however.

04-20-2009, 08:58 PM
Yes, she would say, "Lindsey, put that thing out! We're LIVE!"

LMAO.:laugh: Good one!:thumbsup:

04-21-2009, 12:03 AM
DRUNKS. :mad:

The thing that annoys me most though is people talking throughout the show. I don't understand why you'd paid to see someone play and then pay no attention at all throughout the performance. It's weird.

A-friggin-men to this!

04-21-2009, 12:14 AM
People who scream "I LOVE YOU STEVIE" during quieter parts of songs. People who sing along so loudly you can barely hear the real vocals.

04-21-2009, 12:26 AM
I just get annoyed when people wanna talk waaaaay too much about their concert going experiences. Talking to the person next to you is fine, but I don't want to hear your life story. And I HATE it when people drink/get drunk. Totally obnoxious & inconsiderate of people around you.

04-22-2009, 10:13 PM
What get me Psssst off.
1 Drunks
2 People talking loud next to me
3 Standup in front of me.
4 some clowns cellphone ringing during B and the B,Landslide.Silver springs,Storms.
5 smokers
6 People spilling beer,food on me.
7 pushy people getting in front of me hile i'm sitting down.
thats all I can think of now.

04-23-2009, 06:49 PM
People who sing along so loudly you can barely hear the real vocals.

That's probably me! I love singing along. :o

I use some discretion though. Like during Storms, it is such a soft song, I didn't sing along. Hahaha

Oh, I got so mad on Monday, when I saw them, because I paid a lot of money for 5th row seats. And the person in front of me was a giant, with huge, curly hair! There was no possible way to see around him. I was so annoyed that I could barely enjoy the first few songs. Fortunately, I made my way up to the stage after a couple songs in and had the perfect view. But it would have been really annoying all night long if they did not let the first few rows rush the stage....

And, I am well aware that was not that person's fault for being 7 feet tall. It was just bad luck that the tallest person in the entire arena, sans Mick Fleetwood, was sitting right smack in front of me!

04-25-2009, 03:03 PM
I absolutely hate drunks, but I have to laugh at them. I saw the Stones in '03 at Twickenham, in London, and there was this guy who was so drunk I honestly believe that he thought he was Mick Jagger. He had his moves down to a 'T'. He was great entertainment, but then he got thrown out. At a venue like that, for a concert like that, I just thought, 'Would it have killed you to have had a little control?' I know we were waiting a while for the gates to open, but I can't believe someone sat and drank the entire time. He missed the entire show and I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for him. He wasted his money.

04-27-2009, 08:46 PM
Assholes who are careless with their beverages (alcoholic or otherwise) and are oblivious to when/where they spill them- even when its pointed out to them.

When I'm front row at a reserved seat concert- assholes who shove/grope their way into my personal space towards the end of the show. I have a perfect record in successfully getting these idiots thrown out of the venue in short order.

Drunks and potheads...I have no problem with them. They can't help themselves. But it's the people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER BUT don't realize that your seat ENDS here and my seat BEGINS HERE! Those are the people I have a problem with.

Saw Eric Clapton a while back. The three girls next to me and the husband paid for three seats, but they needed six. I just backed off and let them dance. I think they ruined "Wonderful Tonight" forever for me.

04-27-2009, 09:48 PM
I 2. It's annoying to me to see people at concerts wearing other artists t-shirts. :shrug: So you don't own a Mac t-shirt & you stick on another artist (& I like this artist, too). But it just annoys me. Just wear a plain shirt already. :nod:

Oh I disagree with that. Cause every time I go to other shows, I wear my FLEETWOOD MAC t-shirts. and I hope nobody gets upset with that. I loved, for example, the Roger Waters concert, but everybody wear like a uniform the Pink Floyd t-shirts. I liked to look different that night, and I admit I'm a Pink Floyd fan, too. but I'm proud of wearing my FM t-shirt

last week I went to see Gloria Estefan. This time I didn't wear a FM t-shirt. I was in my PHANTOM OF THE OPERA mood. so I wear my black seatwhirt with the flourescent mask

04-27-2009, 09:49 PM
That's probably me! I love singing along. :o

me too. I remember the old man near me at the Roger Waters show. I knew he was suffering with my "cool" voice. But I couldn't help it

04-27-2009, 09:54 PM
But it's the people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER BUT don't realize that your seat ENDS here and my seat BEGINS HERE! Those are the people I have a problem with.


Oh that happened to me at a Donna Summer concert. There was dinner before so there were tables and a stupid guy called his female friends and filled all the space in front of me, pushing everybody. It was disco, not slam dance! I was really upset and became more troglodite than him so I pushed everybody and finally took his best seat and I ended closer to Donna than them. :thumbsup: