View Full Version : What annoys you the most about other drivers?

04-11-2009, 12:11 PM
1. People who put on their turn signals way before they're ready to turn. I always say they make a big production out of a turn.
2. People who talk on their cellphones drive too slow when they should be paying attention to the road.
3. People who see a bumper on their ass, get the %#ck out of my way!
4. People who are making a turn should try to move all the way to the left or the right so all the people behind them can get by. Remember everyone is in a rush, so move it!
5. Alas whenever I am behind a car with a Handicap liscense plate or a Veteran's liscense plate I know I'm really gonna be really upset cause they always drive too slow for me!!!

04-11-2009, 02:31 PM
1. People who put on their turn signals way before they're ready to turn. I always say they make a big production out of a turn.
2. People who talk on their cellphones drive too slow when they should be paying attention to the road.
3. People who see a bumper on their ass, get the %#ck out of my way!
4. People who are making a turn should try to move all the way to the left or the right so all the people behind them can get by. Remember everyone is in a rush, so move it!
5. Alas whenever I am behind a car with a Handicap liscense plate or a Veteran's liscense plate I know I'm really gonna be really upset cause they always drive too slow for me!!!

That is a really ****ty thing to say.

I can't stand people who tailgate. Not everyone is in a rush. Some of us plan our time well and leave with enough time to get where we're going without driving dangerously.

04-11-2009, 04:31 PM
I hate being tailgated, & it happens most often by SUV, minivan, & truck drivers.

They're up higher & that gives them the illusion that they're moving slower than they think they are. If I'm in a lane to the right, get off my tail, ya redneck, or I'll blast your face with Beethoven.

Conversely, some crappy drivers plop themselves down in the passing lane(s) & then just cruise casually along, while a long line of autos piles up behind them.

04-11-2009, 09:31 PM
the ones who drive below the speed limit

Double parkers

Being tailgated when i'm already driving over the speed limit

other misc. ones that piss me off for various reasons

04-11-2009, 10:04 PM
I hate being caught in the left lane on a two-lane road when someone is turning into a street or driveway and never let's anyone know until after they've stopped...by that time getting into the other lane is a near impossibility.

And then the people who slow down and abruptly stop right before making a turn. I mean, you really hate that because that's near collision sh*t right there.

04-12-2009, 08:57 AM
Oh dear Lordy I haaaate double parkers. They are the most ignorant drivers out there. Them and people who take parking spaces when somebody was clearly CLEARLY indicating to go into that particular space long before the bastard even arrived.

And people who obstruct the traffic by IGNORANTLY going into the yellow zone where NOBODY is supposed to go. They cause havoc.. and don't give a ****..grr.

04-12-2009, 12:09 PM
1. People who put on their turn signals way before they're ready to turn. I always say they make a big production out of a turn.

Would you rather have them just turn without using a signal? Are YOU one of those drivers? Besides, it's the law that turning requires a signal. That's kind of why cars come with blinkers.

2. People who talk on their cellphones drive too slow when they should be paying attention to the road.

I'll give you that one.

3. People who see a bumper on their ass, get the %#ck out of my way!

Tailgaters are rude rude rude! They are my #1 annoyance.

4. People who are making a turn should try to move all the way to the left or the right so all the people behind them can get by. Remember everyone is in a rush, so move it!

See Jannie's post.

5. Alas whenever I am behind a car with a Handicap liscense plate or a Veteran's liscense plate I know I'm really gonna be really upset cause they always drive too slow for me!!!

Seriously? You should probably just get a bus pass.


04-13-2009, 07:16 AM
People who ride my ass when I'm going THE SPEED LIMIT. No faster, no slower.

People who take forever to go at a light.

People who stop longer than necessary.

CELL PHONES. Need I say more?

People who blast thier crappy music in the city with the windows down.

People who when taking a turn to the opposite side of the road [say a left turn] don't pull far enough over so you can go around them. Or they take forever to turn in general, clogging up the roads.

And if you're from MA like me, I'm sure you can think of a crap ton more.

04-13-2009, 10:52 AM
In addition to some listed, when approaching a stop sign there is someone coming from the opposing direction who either, decides to speed up in effort to beat you there and/or stops 5 feet before the stop sign and pulls off to go. woohoo...they get to go first! :rolleyes:

04-13-2009, 01:20 PM
People who blast thier crappy music in the city with the windows down.

Oh yes. Or even when the windows are UP but the bass is thumping. :mad:

04-13-2009, 01:26 PM
Oh yes. Or even when the windows are UP but the bass is thumping. :mad:

Oh that is so frickin annoying. Yeah and it is bonus suckage when the music is rank! :laugh:

04-13-2009, 02:04 PM
What annoys me about other drivers?

That they're even on the road at the same time as I am! :mad: :lol::laugh::lol:

04-13-2009, 02:21 PM
What annoys me about other drivers?

That they're even on the road at the same time as I am! :mad: :lol::laugh::lol:

you took mine.


04-13-2009, 02:30 PM
Here's another: Chix putting on their makeup 3 millimeters from the mirror in the damn visor while trying to drive. Get up 5 minutes earlier to put on your mascara! And why is it always the mascara I am seeing put on?! :laugh:

04-13-2009, 02:47 PM
My favorite thing is when I'm either going to or coming home from work, and I'm wanting to get home, and someone pokey comes out of a driveway, seeing me coming and all, and goes about 5 miles a freakin' hour! OMG..:mad:

04-14-2009, 12:19 PM
1. People who put on their turn signals way before they're ready to turn. I always say they make a big production out of a turn.

It annoys me more if people don't indicate

2. People who talk on their cellphones drive too slow when they should be paying attention to the road.

It's illegal here... mind you I still see people doing it

3. People who see a bumper on their ass, get the %#ck out of my way!

I hate people who tailgate.. especially if I'm already driving above the speed limit.

4. People who are making a turn should try to move all the way to the left or the right so all the people behind them can get by. Remember everyone is in a rush, so move it!

Not everyone is in a rush

5. Alas whenever I am behind a car with a Handicap liscense plate or a Veteran's liscense plate I know I'm really gonna be really upset cause they always drive too slow for me!!!

Wow mature comment. Sounds like you need to chill a bit and slow down when you're behind the wheel of a car!

Some of mine:

Middle lane sitters on the motorways in the UK
People who leave it to the last minute to turn off their full beam.. but then I'm already blinded!
Idiots who sit right on my bumper when I'm obeying the speed limit (or even going above the speed limit)
People who don't indicate
People who have no clue how to properly use a roundabout
People who use their fog lights when there is clearly no need

04-14-2009, 03:05 PM
People who have no clue how to properly use a roundabout


Is that like a rotary [I'm assuming so]?
That was a Mass thing to say :D

I agree though. :cool:

04-14-2009, 03:07 PM
People who have no clue how to properly use a roundabout


Is that like a rotary [I'm assuming so]?
That was a Mass thing to say :D

I agree though. :cool:

Not sure what you would call it out there? Traffic island?

04-14-2009, 03:27 PM
haha. essentially.

roundabout is such a good name for them though :nod:

04-14-2009, 04:15 PM
Not sure what you would call it out there? Traffic island?

Hey Pip..

I know exactly what that is, but we really don't have those here.. Sorta like a "clover leaf" type of thing.. I guess there's just "fun" drivers all over the place, huh? LOLOL



04-14-2009, 06:00 PM
I am THE bigegest road rage person ever :laugh: my poor friends...We'll be driving and someone will piss me off and I'll be like "WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK!.....So Katie..."

1) People who drive in the fast lane and going the speed limit
2) People who dont put their blinker on before they turn
3) People who forget to turn their blinker off
4) When people have their high beams on and blinds you while your driving
5) People going 25 mph in a 30-35 mph zone
6) People who cut me off
7) People who WONT let me go

*I think thats it*

04-14-2009, 07:20 PM
I agree about the round abouts... we have lots of em here now, and some people are just stupid when they take them. It's a pretty big annoyance for me.

For everyone who don't know, a roundabout is somewhat like a four way stop, but you yield to the people coming from the left, and you turn right into the roundabout and go around until you turn off in the direction you want to go. Pretty simple, really, until some moron who doesn't know what he's doing comes along.

My other big annoyances would be the people who are in such a hurry they ride your ass until you move, or they dart around you, and everyone else sharing the road, weaving in and out of traffic.

On a two lane road, people who don't pay attention and cross the center line into oncoming traffic. Oh boy, I almost went head on the other morning!

04-14-2009, 07:23 PM
I am THE bigegest road rage person ever :laugh: my poor friends...We'll be driving and someone will piss me off and I'll be like "WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK!.....So Katie..."

1) People who drive in the fast lane and going the speed limit
5) People going 25 mph in a 30-35 mph zone
6) People who cut me off
7) People who WONT let me go

I'm pretty bad at road rage myself. I call friends up while driving just so I can complain about the dumbass in front of me. I even have Sara yelling from the back seat. Imagine how she'll be when she actually has to put up with it.

All of the above piss me off too.

04-15-2009, 03:44 AM
1. People who put on their turn signals way before they're ready to turn. I always say they make a big production out of a turn.
2. People who talk on their cellphones drive too slow when they should be paying attention to the road.
3. People who see a bumper on their ass, get the %#ck out of my way!
4. People who are making a turn should try to move all the way to the left or the right so all the people behind them can get by. Remember everyone is in a rush, so move it!
5. Alas whenever I am behind a car with a Handicap liscense plate or a Veteran's liscense plate I know I'm really gonna be really upset cause they always drive too slow for me!!!

I noticed how the OP hasn't bothered to respond in their own thread to other posters comments..isn't that a sign/symptom of trolldom?:shrug:

04-15-2009, 05:06 AM
Oh man, all this talk of Roundabouts reminds me of Chevy Chase in the National Lampoons European Vacation when they go to London and he CANNOT get left onto the right lane to exit. :laugh:.. quality movie. :p

To whoever said about the dimming of head lights.. That drives me crazy. Especially if you can TELL somebody is coming at night, they still don't bother to dip their lights for ages. Its so dangerous. :mad:

04-15-2009, 08:33 AM
Middle lane sitters on the motorways in the UK
People who leave it to the last minute to turn off their full beam.. but then I'm already blinded!
Idiots who sit right on my bumper when I'm obeying the speed limit (or even going above the speed limit)
People who don't indicate
People who have no clue how to properly use a roundabout
People who use their fog lights when there is clearly no need

Roundabouts are my number 1 annoyance. Everybody complains about learner drivers being incompetent, but it is my understanding that they actually observe the rules far better than anybody else, simply because they are terrified by everybody else out there who just because they have been driving for years automatically assume that whatever they do is acceptable :mad: And nowhere is this more clear than on a roundabout. I hate people who take the wrong lane, but I particularly despise people who don't indicate, especially in rush hour traffic when you are sitting and waiting 5 minutes just to get an opportunity to go.

One time, at rush hour I was directly behind an old couple, who were going really slowly around, then they stopped in the middle of the road arguing about where to go :eek: It's the only time I've ever had to use my horn, and not out of rage, but because what they were doing was stupidly dangerous.

Oh, and I ****ing hate tailgaters too. Especially in the rain, increased braking distance required anybody? Idiots. If you are tailgating me, I will slow right down. :p

04-15-2009, 08:49 AM
I'm astounded that not everyone has roundabouts! (Or rotaries, or clover leafs or whatever else we might call them.) Truly, I just kinda thought they would be everywhere.

Of course, my home town of Canberra is overflowing with roundabouts (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A287813). I never drove around the place, but I think the ability to negotiate roundabouts with above average proficiency must be mapped out in the womb for us Canberrans, because some of the people I encounter here are just hopeless. Seriously, it's not that hard.

My other massive gripe has been mentioned already - people who tailgate me when I'm doing the speed limit, or worse, doing a bit better than. Far out.

I feel a bit better now :p

04-15-2009, 09:51 AM
I'm pretty bad at road rage myself. I call friends up while driving just so I can complain about the dumbass in front of me. I even have Sara yelling from the back seat. Imagine how she'll be when she actually has to put up with it.

All of the above piss me off too.

:laugh: My dad has road rage too. He'll beep his horn and flip people off and call people "Douches" Hmmm I wonder where I got my road rage from;)

04-15-2009, 04:42 PM
:laugh: My dad has road rage too. He'll beep his horn and flip people off and call people "Douches" Hmmm I wonder where I got my road rage from;)

Funny part is when my16 year old is honking and flipping off, slamming breaks when she is being tailgated, or shouting obscenities to others, I get on to her and remind her that it could get her killed because the other "douche" might have a gun! haha! She got it honest from me though.

04-15-2009, 05:22 PM
Funny part is when my16 year old is honking and flipping off, slamming breaks when she is being tailgated, or shouting obscenities to others, I get on to her and remind her that it could get her killed because the other "douche" might have a gun! haha! She got it honest from me though.

My good friend Grant was getting impatient with the guy in front of him and passed him... and as he did, flipped the guy off and called him a f*cker and went on his way. Soon after, Grant and the guy met up at the next stop light and they both looked at each other and the guy rolled down his window AND POINTED A GUN AT HIM!!!! Grant peeled the hell away and almost threw up after pulling over. Moral of the story...you never know what someone is going to do if you flip them off or yell, so think twice about doing it (even though the person might be a douche).

04-15-2009, 06:11 PM
Moral of the story...you never know what someone is going to do if you flip them off or yell, so think twice about doing it (even though the person might be a douche). yes, and let's not forget about the woman from the AMAZON who pelted myass into the ground upon the inquiry "where'd you get your license...Sears?" :distress: dangerous out there kids...be careful.

04-15-2009, 06:37 PM
I used to feel road ragey when I was younger, but I've mellowed. It's very rare for me now to get angry like that anymore. I'm chill now. :cool:

04-15-2009, 10:48 PM
Funny part is when my16 year old is honking and flipping off, slamming breaks when she is being tailgated, or shouting obscenities to others, I get on to her and remind her that it could get her killed because the other "douche" might have a gun! haha! She got it honest from me though.

OMG my mom is so bad!! She'll start beeping and flipping people off and almost calling the cops and I'm like

04-16-2009, 10:06 AM
OMG my mom is so bad!! She'll start beeping and flipping people off and almost calling the cops and I'm like

LMAO! There was only once when I called the cops. That was when I was passed on the interstate, on the shoulder, after he rode my ass for a few miles, and he was doing at least 90 mph. That was just too much.

06-13-2009, 07:31 AM
What annoys you most about other drivers?

Parents who try to teach you how to drive, but nearly end up killing you.

That's quite an annoying thing. :rolleyes:

06-13-2009, 01:52 PM
1. When people brake going uphill. And they aren't turning . . .
2. People who drive so slow in front of you through construction zones that by the time you get to the flagperson, they have flipped the sign from "slow" to "stop" due to the slowness of the car in front of you
3. When people drive at least 5 mph under the speed limit

06-14-2009, 09:25 PM
I miss living in Phoenix, Az. where people knew how to drive fast. Except when it rained. Then they all drove like complete idiots. Now I live in a smaller community on the east coast and the normal driving speed is 30mph which drives me nuts. So today I come whipping down this one street and sure enough this car in front of me was driving under the speed limit. I then noticed the license plate: a U.S. veteran. I always give the veterans their due respect. Everyone else I harass.

06-15-2009, 09:51 PM
I just figured myself out today while I was driving. Phoenix roads usually have two or three lanes so no one is ever in my way. Where I live now is mostly one lane roads so when one idiot drives too slow the rest of us have to suffer.That's probably all I have to say on this subject.

06-15-2009, 10:02 PM
When they honk their horn at you for absolutely no reason what-so-ever. :blob2:

06-15-2009, 10:21 PM
5. Alas whenever I am behind a car with a Handicap liscense plate or a Veteran's liscense plate I know I'm really gonna be really upset cause they always drive too slow for me!!!

I then noticed the license plate: a U.S. veteran. I always give the veterans their due respect. Everyone else I harass.

so ... which one of these is a lie? :lol:

06-15-2009, 11:27 PM
so ... which one of these is a lie? :lol:
Neither one is a lie. I am irritated being stuck behind a veteran because they always drive too slow. But because they have served my country I stay back. Everyone else I will tailgate or swerve at acting like they have a drunk driver behind them.:lol:

06-15-2009, 11:37 PM
Neither one is a lie. I am irritated being stuck behind a veteran because they always drive too slow. But because they have served my country I stay back. Everyone else I will tailgate or swerve at acting like they have a drunk driver behind them.:lol:

why aren't you arrested more?

06-15-2009, 11:39 PM
why aren't you arrested more?
Cause you're not a cop.:lol:

06-16-2009, 04:33 AM
Neither one is a lie. I am irritated being stuck behind a veteran because they always drive too slow. But because they have served my country I stay back. Everyone else I will tailgate or swerve at acting like they have a drunk driver behind them.:lol:

You sound like the idiot who was behind me this morning

06-16-2009, 08:55 AM
You sound like the idiot who was behind me this morning
I probably was because you were the idiot who was paying more attention to the cell phone than the road.

06-16-2009, 01:40 PM
A driver yakking on a cell phone.

06-16-2009, 10:07 PM
June 16, 2009

NEW YORK - New York has overtaken Miami to be voted the U.S. city with the angriest and most aggressive drivers, according to a survey on road rage released on Tuesday.

Miami topped the annual poll for the last four years but voters in 25 major metropolitan areas gave New Yorkers the prize for angriest, most aggressive drivers who tailgate, speed, honk their horns, overreact and lose their tempers.

The response of New Yorkers to bad drivers also helped push the city into the top slot for road rage.

"New Yorkers were most likely to wave their fists or arms. They were most likely to lay on the horn and they were most likely to make some sort of obscene gesture," said Michael Bush, of the marketing and consulting company Affinion Group, which commissioned the survey.

Dallas/Fort Worth came in second as the worst road rage city followed by Detroit, Atlanta and Minneapolis/St. Paul. Miami ranked a distant seventh.

Baltimore, Sacramento and Pittsburgh rounded out the top five cities with the most pleasant drivers.

Portland and Cleveland were voted to have the most courteous, considerate drivers.

"The real surprise to me is that there is no geographic way to break down road rage," Bush told Reuters. "It is very much on a city-by-city basis, as opposed to geographic area

Talking on a cell phone was the behavior that irked motorists the most, with 84 percent of people citing it as the behavior most likely to incite road rage.

Driving too fast, tailgating, and eating and texting behind the wheel also caused stress and incited road rage.

Nearly 50 percent of the 2,518 people who took part in the AutoVantage Road Rage Survey also said other drivers frequently cut across the road without notice.

More than 25 percent of people in the telephone poll reported seeing drivers putting on make-up, shaving and reading while behind the wheel. A quarter said slamming on the brakes and running red lights sent their tempers flaring.

Detroit and San Francisco had the most text-happy drivers, while Miami won the distinction as the city where people were most likely to shave, read or put on make-up while driving.

Most people, 43 percent, reacted to bad driving by honking the horn. But 36 percent resorted to cursing, 13 percent waved their fists or arms and 10 percent made an obscene gesture.

Seven percent were so angry they called the police and one percent admitted they had slammed into the car in front of them.

"In Washington, D.C., four percent of drivers admitted to slamming into another driver," said Bush. "They stand out in that one particular category."


06-16-2009, 10:20 PM
I am kinda bothered that they started their engines and got on the road. Why can't they just go home?


Mostly I am bothered by people who don't signal.