View Full Version : Besides The US Festival and Largo MD, are there any other pro-shot concerts from 83?

05-30-2008, 01:35 AM
Does anyone know if there are any more pro-shot concerts from the Wild Heart Tour, besides the US Festival and Largo MD? And if there is, does anyone have them in good quality? Thanks.

05-31-2008, 07:05 AM
There's another video from I believe Cuyahoga Falls, OH. It's circulating here and there. It's not quite as popular as the Largo or US but it's there. I saw a screen shot of it on someone's trade page a while back. I guess the quality isn't that great. I've always meant to get that one.

05-31-2008, 09:36 AM
In my thread on The Wild Heart Tour I have posted some pro shot Us Festival footage that, I believe, you've probably never seen before from these angles. I own the video from way back when but these two videos were completely new to me just a few days ago. Check 'em out and tell me what you think.

05-31-2008, 10:27 AM
There's another video from I believe Cuyahoga Falls, OH. It's circulating here and there. It's not quite as popular as the Largo or US but it's there. I saw a screen shot of it on someone's trade page a while back. I guess the quality isn't that great. I've always meant to get that one.That's the July 22 show. Not pro-shot -- plus it's from quite a distance back. Still, it was fun watching back in the day. Stevie hauls up a giant orange/pink snake during GYPSY. It's about twenty-five feet long & she drags it all the way across the stage. Also, that's the show where she puts on the fedora during HOW STILL MY LOVE. There's a photo of her in that on the cover (or back?) of the Ethlie Ann Vare and Ed Ochs paperback.

When MTV covered the Tempe City of Hope show (9.25.83), they played some brief video of OUTSIDE THE RAIN. Very tantalizing. I don't know whether MTV cameras shot it or just local news cameras, probably the former. Yummy yummy -- to me, the Wild Heart tour gets better as it goes. June & July are pretty good, & quite good here & there, but by the middle of September all the way through October & early November, man, things are rockin'. Unfortunately, audio & video pickins of those months are slim.

I've always said: I'll pay $1,000 for video of the Forum performance. No takers yet.

(There was also another TV interview of Stevie Nicks that year -- 2 On The Town, maybe? or no, that was all Fleetwood Mac, & the one I'm thinking of was just Stevie Nicks -- with snippets of some unknown gig. Looks like a July gig. I bet it's on YouTube.)

05-31-2008, 01:05 PM
Stevie hauls up a giant orange/pink snake during GYPSY. It's about twenty-five feet long & she drags it all the way across the stage.

A gift from a fan? Well, that's a twist on the teddy bear and flowers!


05-31-2008, 09:29 PM
A gift from a fan? Well, that's a twist on the teddy bear and flowers!


Now every Stevie fan will be bringing long stuffed animal snakes to all her shows.:lol:

05-31-2008, 09:38 PM
Vivfox, you're saying you have a copy of the US Festival that contains different camera angles (pro-shot)?

And David you must be a true fan to pay $1000.00 for a show!!!

06-01-2008, 11:24 AM
And David you must be a true fan to pay $1000.00 for a show!!!Oh, but not just any show -- THE Show.

06-01-2008, 12:23 PM
I knew about the Largo '83 show but didn't know about the 7/22 one....now regarding all her other solo tours....I know she did have other pro shots done as well....for all tours (at least thats what I'd heard) what other shows from say RAL on to present has she had done??? Anyone know for sure....does anyone know if that 7/22 show or what was taped of it...is it on YouTube?? It sounds interesting. I so wish the Full and complete BD HBO show would surface....to have that 'whole' show would be a killer....and re/FMac would love the complete Mirage show too......just some thoughts....:thumbsup::D

06-01-2008, 07:17 PM
I knew about the Largo '83 show but didn't know about the 7/22 one....now regarding all her other solo tours....I know she did have other pro shots done as well....for all tours (at least thats what I'd heard) what other shows from say RAL on to present has she had done???There are uncut pro-shots of 10.20.89 & 8.15.91, both at Shoreline in Mountain View. No pro-shots as far as I know from 1994, although one of the audience-shot tapes (Pittsburgh) is shot off the diamondvision screen so it looks better than most. Plus there must be complete video of the 1998 Woodstock set because that was streamed live on the Internet.

does anyone know if that 7/22 show or what was taped of it...is it on YouTube??I did a quick search for "Stevie Nicks" + "Cleveland" + "1983" & didn't see anything.