View Full Version : Out of the Cradle (Atlanta 4-2-1993)

10-16-2007, 11:56 PM
Earlier this summer, I bought a box of 20 vhs tapes off of ebay.

The box contained FM concerts from the early 1990's. Suprisingly there were 2 tapes dealing with Lindsey. One was of his televison performances supporting the OOTC tour. The other was the Atlanta show 4-2-1993.

About the Atlanta concert:

At the end "This is the Time" there is a dueling guitar part...one of the female guitar players begins to battle with her guitar as she is playing it with another male guitar player.

Lindsey takes over and battles her. It ends with her on the floor and him crouched on top of her, while (I presume) they are still playing, and her legs are kind of kicking. The effect, was that his guitar was stronger than hers.

At the end of the concert, as everyone is taking a bow, the two female players lift Lindsey off the floor. One sees his feet in the air.

It looked like a very loose and fun concert. Or was this something they did at all the OOTC concerts?

10-17-2007, 09:19 AM
Yes, the dueling sword guitars were featured during that song at the Connecticut show I was at. It was incredible to see it front row center.