View Full Version : Camera Smuggling

04-07-2007, 03:04 PM
OK, so this is my first post. I am a 53 year old female and new to this concert stuff. I am going to the Boulder Show (both nights.) Boulder is general admission, so I will probably get trampled. (I am 5 foot 2 on a good day.)

I am a novice.

1. How do I smuggle a camera in through security? Any tried and proven methods? I don't think I'd be the target of a search, but one never knows...and I might get lucky...

2. Do security guards muscle the camera away from you if they see you use it?

Thanks for the advice.
Betsy near Denver

04-07-2007, 03:49 PM
If you're going to smuggle...I could suggest sticking it in a little cosmetic case that has ...uh, well--a maxi pad...as the first thing someone would see if they chose to look that closely. Actually, if your camera is pretty small, you can usually tuck it into the middle of one of those suckers.

People tend not to want to investigate those things too closely.

I haven't really seen anyone confiscate a camera on Lindsey's tour. I was given a stern warning in Atlantic City for video-ing a song...and some venues really go after you if you take pictures, but others...don't check and don't really seem to care.

Good luck.

04-07-2007, 04:00 PM
I put mine in my croch :eek: for the Atlanta show and it worked out real well. I got some great pictures. I would recommend wearing underwear of course.

04-07-2007, 04:12 PM
I put mine in my croch :eek: for the Atlanta show and it worked out real well. I got some great pictures. I would recommend wearing underwear of course.


I knew there was a reason why I never wanted to touch your camera.

04-07-2007, 04:14 PM
They didn't even search me in Northhampton, Hampton Beach, or Burlington. I walked in the place with the camera in my back pocket.

04-07-2007, 08:29 PM
Once you smuggle it in, don't use the flash! Do some research on the best settings for low light situations for your camera -- for example, flash OFF, high ISO, light metering set to "Spot". Number one, though, is the flash. You don't need it and it really doesn't do anything except draw attention to YOU and your camera.

Good luck!

04-07-2007, 09:23 PM

I knew there was a reason why I never wanted to touch your camera.

I never knew you wanted to touch my camera. But I got a new one, so I'm sure I'll be breaking her in soon. :D

04-08-2007, 09:38 AM
I've never had a problem either and you really don't have to smuggle it. I just tuck mine in my pocket. Most of these small venues really don't seem to mind at least the two that I went to on the first two legs of his tour didn't. They didn't ask about a camera or search me. I was in the front row both times taking pictures through-out sometimes at the stage and no one else was there but me and no one said a word

At a major venue here in L.A. security at a recent Rod Stewart show really did an intense search but I managed to smuggle one past them anyway. When I kept setting of the security wand, they asked me to empty my pockets. Uh oh-right? Wrong. I just started dropping things all over the floor. Coins, batteries (said they were for my flash light instead of my hidden camera) which I did have. Long story short security eventually waved me through as it was almost show time and there were still a lot of people behind me trying to get in. Sometimes it pays to play dumb. Never be confrontational it makes security nuts.

As suggested above keep the flash off you really don't need it. It attracts attention and can bother some artists especially if you are at the stage and the venue is dark. You will still get awesome pictures if you are close enough-I did. I also recorded video without a problem including a six minute clip of "Go Your Own Way" right in front of Lindsey and security didn't even come near me.

Have fun!

04-08-2007, 03:57 PM

Welcome to the Ledge!! :xoxo: