View Full Version : Another Lindsey article

03-27-2007, 08:55 AM
This ran in my local paper today. Not much new, except he seems to keep on backing away from his "rockin' second solo album." Bastard.

Lindsey Buckingham (3-27)
By Ed Condran

Lindsey Buckingham laughed as he dubbed himself the Terrence Malick of rock. Much like the maverick filmmaker, solo projects are few and far between for Buckingham. The singer-songwriter has released just four of them in 25 years.
"I would love to have done more albums by myself," Buckingham said. "It just wasn't meant to be. The needs of a larger machine have been great over the years."

The "larger machine" is Fleetwood Mac. The legendary pop group has been dependent on the singer-songwriter's eclectic but catchy tunes since he joined the group in 1974.

"If you say you're in a group, you have to deal with the needs of the group," Buckingham said while calling from Myrtle Beach, S.C. "The band has always come first. Usually when I'm on break from the band, someone floats the idea of us making an album or touring. I'll be over [vocalist-keyboardist] Christine McVie's house and people will circle around me. It isn't easy to find time or have material left for a solo album."

Buckingham, 57, did find time and material for "Under the Skin," which was released in October. He wrote most of the songs while on tour with Fleetwood Mac in 2003.

The disc, which is primarily acoustic, features some of the prettiest and songs Buckingham has written to date. The most affecting, a ballad called "It Was You," was inspired by his three young children.

"The softer songs just came flowing out of me," Buckingham said. "I have an 8, 6 and a 2-year-old and that affects you as a songwriter."

Executives at Buckingham's label, Warner Brothers, were hoping that Buckingham would craft more rockers. "They wanted that kind of sound, but that would have been missing the point to me," Buckingham said. "I don't make many solo albums. I had to be true to myself. I'm not trying to make the next Green Day album. I know the label would like it if artists made songs that sound as if they could go straight to the radio, but what goes straight to the radio today anyway?"

Buckingham and his backing trio will showcase the new tracks Tuesday at the Theatre of Living Arts. "I'm thrilled to be out there doing the solo material finally," Buckingham said. "It's been so much fun going out like this. I like the fact that I go out on my own and then with some accompaniment. I love doing the acoustic songs but I want everyone to know that I do rock out by the end [of the show]."

At some point, he hopes to reconvene with Fleetwood Mac. "I would like the band to get back and do something," Buckingham said. "We had talked about doing something sooner than later but it wasn't in the cards. [Vocalist] Stevie [Nicks] didn't want to do it."

So Buckingham is working on another solo album. "I hope to have another one out by the spring of 2008."

Lindsey Buckingham appears Tuesday at the Theatre of Living Arts, 334 South St., Philadelphia. Tickets are $55. Show time is 8 p.m. (215) 922-1011.

03-27-2007, 09:11 AM
Atleast he's still saying that he plans one for early 2008. I really hope it doesn't end up as a Mac album.

03-27-2007, 09:16 AM
Same here! I hope he can stay strong and not cave to FM.

We need more solo Lindsey!!! :woohoo: :nod:

03-27-2007, 09:56 AM
Stevie didn't want to do it? So maybe there was talk of a big anniversary tour & she said no? :shrug: I wonder why - did she just not want to, did she want to do her little excursion w/ Petty & the solo stuff with Eye Sack this year, or did she feel that they've oversaturated most markets tour-wise recently & that they should wait a bit longer.

03-27-2007, 10:47 AM
Stevie didn't want to do it? So maybe there was talk of a big anniversary tour & she said no? :shrug: I wonder why - did she just not want to, did she want to do her little excursion w/ Petty & the solo stuff with Eye Sack this year, or did she feel that they've oversaturated most markets tour-wise recently & that they should wait a bit longer.

Or it could be a case of, "if in doubt, blame Stevie"!

03-27-2007, 01:39 PM
I just read an article where he said if it was up to Mick and Stevie they would be Maccin it up sooner rather than later, now he says the opposite. :shrug: Maybe he is just trying to get her attention :lol:

03-27-2007, 01:46 PM
Stevie didn't want to do it? So maybe there was talk of a big anniversary tour & she said no? :shrug: I wonder why - did she just not want to, did she want to do her little excursion w/ Petty & the solo stuff with Eye Sack this year, or did she feel that they've oversaturated most markets tour-wise recently & that they should wait a bit longer.The only thing he's mentioned in the past that Stevie didn't want to do was another FM album. That combined with how Lindsey initially wanted to continue with FM straight after SYW (and Stevie had other plans) is probably what's being talked about here.