View Full Version : Why doesn't Stevie do what Emmylou does?

05-23-2006, 12:58 PM
That's really a rhetorical question.

But I do think it would be great if Stevie started conducting her career a bit more like Emmylou Harris does hers. Apparently Stevie's not terribly interested in writing her own songs or releasing her own new material at this point, which is fine. But rather than just coast along as a nostalgia touring act, why not hit the studio with some of her friends and admirers and collaborate a little?

Stevie's greatest strength remains her ability to harmonize, and she's often at her best when she's singing with others, whether it be Sheryl or Petty or even Kenny Loggins (whatever you think of "Whenever I Call You 'Friend,'" you've got to admit that Stevie turns in a killer vocal performance on that track). Why not do more of this?

Emmylou Harris is a perfect model of what I'd like to Stevie start doing. She hasn't released an album of her own since 2003, but it sure seems like she's been everywhere the past few years, hasn't it? It's almost become a cliche to sing with Emmylou. She's toured with Elvis Costello, sung harmonies for Bright Eyes, performed with Neil Young, recorded an entire album of duets with Mark Knopfler... and she always sounds great, whomever she's singing with.

If, as she's suggested, one of the reasons Stevie doesn't want to release her own albums is because she feels she isn't popular enough anymore, she'd do well to keep her name in the public consciousness by singing along with some of her high-profile friends. Besides, everybody knows the music press can't resist collaborations and duet albums.

There's people out there turning music into gold, Stevie. Get back on the trolley!

05-23-2006, 01:16 PM
Excellent question and well thought out. I haven't a clue as to why she doesn't diversify her work, I really don't? For someone who claims to love music as much as she does (and, I don't doubt her), it just doesn't seem to make sense as to why she's not doing more fun things, small projects, etc... She learned some bad habits from (MICK) Fleetwood Mac, I think..own everything in sight, do not share, an album isn't an album if it takes less than 13 months to record, under no circumstance do you ever change your set list, dont' sing other people songs because you have to pay them to do so...

I'd love to hear an iTunes exclusive 3-song Ian and Sylvia tribute ep from her, recorded in her garage, completed in 3 days...how cool would that be? Not everything has to be a big honkin' deal..it's not 1983 anymore.

That's really a rhetorical question.

But I do think it would be great if Stevie started conducting her career a bit more like Emmylou Harris does hers. Apparently Stevie's not terribly interested in writing her own songs or releasing her own new material at this point, which is fine. But rather than just coast along as a nostalgia touring act, why not hit the studio with some of her friends and admirers and collaborate a little?

Stevie's greatest strength remains her ability to harmonize, and she's often at her best when she's singing with others, whether it be Sheryl or Petty or even Kenny Loggins (whatever you think of "Whenever I Call You 'Friend,'" you've got to admit that Stevie turns in a killer vocal performance on that track). Why not do more of this?

Emmylou Harris is a perfect model of what I'd like to Stevie start doing. She hasn't released an album of her own since 2003, but it sure seems like she's been everywhere the past few years, hasn't it? It's almost become a cliche to sing with Emmylou. She's toured with Elvis Costello, sung harmonies for Bright Eyes, performed with Neil Young, recorded an entire album of duets with Mark Knopfler... and she always sounds great, whomever she's singing with.

If, as she's suggested, one of the reasons Stevie doesn't want to release her own albums is because she feels she isn't popular enough anymore, she'd do well to keep her name in the public consciousness by singing along with some of her high-profile friends. Besides, everybody knows the music press can't resist collaborations and duet albums.

There's people out there turning music into gold, Stevie. Get back on the trolley!

The Tower
05-23-2006, 01:20 PM
Stevie's retired.

I don't expect to see anything new from her. Maybe the 40th anniversary thing next year (which isn't in the category of "new") and that's it.

05-23-2006, 01:34 PM
Stevie's retired.

Seems like it doesn't it? It seems like she has no interest to really be creative in music anymore. Writing, painting---something else is going to be her new muse I think, but music just doesn't inspire her these days. I think her last ounce was squeezed out for TISL and now she's just tapped, dude. Maybe music will never really inspire her again, maybe it will, who knows? :shrug:.

And for Stevie to collaborate with other musicians, well, that takes motivation and drive on the part of all the artists involved. Who says Stevie has that desire? I'm sure there are scads of artists out there who would like to collaborate with her, but does Stevie want to do it? I don't know. It just seems like, as Tower said, she's slipping into retirement and will probably be out of the spotlight completely in the coming years ahead. I hope not, but ****, all signs seem to be pointing in that direction. I hate to be a Debbie Downer because I want to see lots more from Stevie, but I don't want to see nostalgia acts and I don't want to see uninspired performances. I'd rather Stevie do what she feels passionate about. I hope I'm wrong, but her passion seems to be lacking for music these days.

05-23-2006, 01:46 PM
And for Stevie to collaborate with other musicians, well, that takes motivation and drive on the part of all the artists involved. Who says Stevie has that desire? I'm sure there are scads of artists out there who would like to collaborate with her, but does Stevie want to do it? I don't know.

I don't think she does at all, which is why I prefaced the whole thing with a note that question was really just rhetorical. I'm just fantasizing...

05-23-2006, 01:52 PM
She did collaborate on TISL and in a big way. Then, she went straight into SYW and that was the next three or so years of her life. Then, she did the Vegas/Gold Dust tour thing, which I think just sort of happened as did the Australia thing I will note though that she changed her set on this last tour and included two new covers and pulled out some rare stuff like HSML. So, it is not like she was stagnant :shrug:

As for new stuff now, I doubt it. Maybe FM will reconvene, but I am not holding my breath for that because I think they were at each others' throats fo a significant portion of the last tour and recording session and La Nicks herself verified this as did the doc. Why would she go back to that stress if she did not have to? I certainly would not.

So, I say she is for the most part retired. But, in the past, just when I have thought that was it for her, she always proved me wrong.

05-23-2006, 01:56 PM
But, in the past, just when I have thought that was it for her, she always proved me wrong.

I know, same here, and I hope this is the case!

05-23-2006, 02:00 PM
I don't think she does at all, which is why I prefaced the whole thing with a note that question was really just rhetorical.

Yeah, but it was put out there for response and reflection, no? I responded. I reflected. Now chut up. :laugh: :p

05-23-2006, 02:03 PM
As for new stuff now, I doubt it. Maybe FM will reconvene, but I am not holding my breath for that because I think they were at each others' throats fo a significant portion of the last tour and recording session and La Nicks herself verified this as did the doc. Why would she go back to that stress if she did not have to? I certainly would not.

I hope Fleetwood Mac does reconvene soon, but Stevie certainly does not have to be a part of it, as far as I'm concerned. Actually, I'd prefer if she wasn't. Two appetizing possibilities:

1) Peter and Jeremy join up with Mick and John to record an "anniversary" album and/or do a small tour.

2) Fleetwood Mac becomes a power trio: just Lindsey on guitar and vocals, backed by Mick and John. I'm kind of salivating just thinking about it, actually. We know Lindsey loves playing with these guys and likes recruiting them to play on "solo" tracks anyway. Imagine the album they might come up with together. Even better, imagine the stripped-down tour, and all the great songs they would have a chance to play, with both Christine and Stevie's material put out to pasture. (If they wanted to pay tribute to the ladies, they could always perform "Think About Me" and "Crystal"...)

Bottom line: Stevie doesn't need (or want) Fleetwood Mac at this point. I hope Fleetwood Mac realize they don't need her, either. (Lindsey, on the other hand, does need Fleetwood Mac, or at least is a lot better off with them than without them.)

05-23-2006, 02:06 PM
I hope Fleetwood Mac does reconvene soon, but Stevie certainly does not have to be a part of it, as far as I'm concerned. Actually, I'd prefer if she wasn't. Two appetizing possibilities:

1) Peter and Jeremy join up with Mick and John to record an "anniversary" album or do a small tour.

2) Fleetwood Mac becomes a power trio: just Lindsey on guitar and vocals, backed by Mick and John. I'm kind of salivating just thinking about it, actually. We know Lindsey loves playing with these guys and likes recruiting them to play on "solo" tracks anyway. Imagine the album they might come up with together. Even better, imagine the stripped-down tour, and all the great songs they would have a chance to play, with both Christine and Stevie's material put out to pasture. (If they wanted to pay tribute to the ladies, they could always perform "Think About Me" and "Crystal"...)

Bottom line: Stevie doesn't need (or want) Fleetwood Mac at this point. I hope Fleetwood Mac realizes they don't need her, either. (Lindsey, on the other hand, does need Fleetwood Mac, or at least is a lot better off with them than without them.)
1) bore
2) bore

bottom line: you're wrong

imo, of course


05-23-2006, 02:08 PM
I hope Fleetwood Mac does reconvene soon, but Stevie certainly does not have to be a part of it, as far as I'm concerned. Actually, I'd prefer if she wasn't. Two appetizing possibilities:

1) Peter and Jeremy join up with Mick and John to record an "anniversary" album and/or do a small tour.

2) Fleetwood Mac becomes a power trio: just Lindsey on guitar and vocals, backed by Mick and John. I'm kind of salivating just thinking about it, actually. We know Lindsey loves playing with these guys and likes recruiting them to play on "solo" tracks anyway. Imagine the album they might come up with together. Even better, imagine the stripped-down tour, and all the great songs they would have a chance to play, with both Christine and Stevie's material put out to pasture. (If they wanted to pay tribute to the ladies, they could always perform "Think About Me" and "Crystal"...)

Bottom line: Stevie doesn't need (or want) Fleetwood Mac at this point. I hope Fleetwood Mac realize they don't need her, either. (Lindsey, on the other hand, does need Fleetwood Mac, or at least is a lot better off with them than without them.)

I don't like this idea. And good luck selling tickets for this debacle. Noone wants to see Fleetwood Mac without Stevie AND Chris! That's ridiculous. They could get away with it if they didn't call themselves F.M., they'd have to choose another name and call it a side project. They'd also have to play smaller venues for this to fly.

05-23-2006, 02:09 PM
1) bore
2) bore

bottom line: you're wrong

imo, of course


:high fives Jason:


05-23-2006, 02:13 PM
1) bore
2) bore

bottom line: you're wrong

imo, of course


You don't have to go. Stevie will be off doing her own thing. You can go to her shows, and I'll go to my fantasy Mac shows, and all will be right with the world.

05-23-2006, 02:16 PM
I don't like this idea. And good luck selling tickets for this debacle. Noone wants to see Fleetwood Mac without Stevie OR Chris!

Stop it. You know better than that.

That's ridiculous. They could get away with it if they didn't call themselves F.M., they'd have to choose another name and call it a side project.

Stop it. You know better than that, too. Or do I need to call Mr. Denison over here?

They'd also have to play smaller venues for this to fly.

Well duh.

05-23-2006, 02:17 PM
I would love to hear a project involving Stevie and another singer-songwriter, or something like the Trio work of Emmylou Harris/Linda Ronstadt/Dolly Parton. I love to hear Stevie singing with others, but I have to say I especially love her voice with Lindsey's so I would hope she would be involved in any new Fleetwood Mac release, except of course some sort of reunion of an earlier FM.
I am posting in Chit Chat about the Emmylou/Knopfler cover story on the most recent Performing Songwriter. They have audio of Emmylou's interview on their site.

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 02:18 PM
Even better, imagine the stripped-down tour, and all the great songs they would have a chance to play....Somehow, I can't imagine Lindsey ever doing a stripped-down tour. Mick said in some interview quite a while ago, that even if Lindsey hadn't left after 'Tango,' they still would have hired an additional guitarist, because Lindsey was adamant that they needed to flesh out their live sound to better re-create their studio sound. His solo tour and his tours with Fleetwood Mac since those days, seem to bear that out.

So I just can't see a situation where it's just the three of them on the stage, without one or two extra guitarists, a keyboardist, and probably even a percussionist. At that point, you might as well just have Stevie up there, too, to help sell a few extra tickets.

05-23-2006, 02:19 PM
You don't have to go. Stevie will be off doing her own thing. You can go to her shows, and I'll go to my fantasy Mac shows, and all will be right with the world.
you're right. and I wouldn't as I'm sure many others wouldn't.

but let's take a look at your scenarios:

1) I've never heard Peter or Jeremy sing so I can't really comment
2) Lindsey would be the only singer in the group while John hangs in the shadows and Mick makes all kinds of f*cked up faces...hmmm...don't really see that as being able to hold interest too long

as far as your bottom line, that's absurd. Stevie loves the band and does need them in a way (how do you know she doesn't want them?). they certainly need her as well (see above). Lindsey needs to either be solo or with FM, that's where he shines.

all this aside, I love your ideas of Stevie doing similar projects like Emmylou

05-23-2006, 02:19 PM
Somehow, I can't imagine Lindsey ever doing a stripped-down tour.

Oh I know, never in a million years. Lindsey fancies himself too much of a "soundscapist" or whatever he wants to call it, as opposed to a guitarist. But a boy can dream...

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 02:20 PM
For the record, I've daydreamed about a Trio-type collaboration for Stevie for years now. Her voice is so extremely well-suited for those kinds of harmonies, it would be killer.

05-23-2006, 02:22 PM
For the record, I've daydreamed about a Trio-type collaboration for Stevie for years now. Her voice is so extremely well-suited for those kinds of harmonies, it would be killer.
tell me about it.

Friday night at NOTS, a couple of other performers and I sang The Second Time in 3 part harmony acapella...it was phenomenal...it really gave me chills.

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 02:25 PM
Another thing I'd love to see... a full-length album collaboration between Stevie & Chris Isaak. So far, they've only given us small tastes of what they sound like together ("It's Late" & "Solitary Man," from The Chris Isaak Show, "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town," from Chris' 'Christmas' album, and "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" from his PBS special), but they've definitely whet my appetite.

05-23-2006, 02:27 PM
you're right. and I wouldn't as I'm sure many others wouldn't.

Right. So?

but let's take a look at your scenarios:

1) I've never heard Peter or Jeremy sing so I can't really comment

I realize that you're a vocalist and that's what you're into, but even if you had heard them sing, that's really not the point. Nice of you to offer a completely uninformed "bore," though.

2) Lindsey would be the only singer in the group while John hangs in the shadows and Mick makes all kinds of f*cked up faces...hmmm...don't really see that as being able to hold interest too long

No, it wouldn't hold your interest. Just as a Stevie concert held tomorrow wouldn't hold my interest.

as far as your bottom line, that's absurd. Stevie loves the band and does need them in a way (how do you know she doesn't want them?). they certainly need her as well (see above).

A lot of folks seem to have the impression that she doesn't want them, given her comments about the SYW recording process, and the footage in the documentary. And how does she need them? She's got a successful touring career as a solo artist, and she could release a solo album tomorrow that would sell perfectly fine. Saying she doesn't need Fleetwood Mac is not an insult. It's a recognition of the fact that she has a perfectly successful career on her own. As cliffdweller already said, why put herself through the stress and power struggles of a Fleetwood Mac album or tour when she can hit the road with her own band on her own terms?

As far as attempting to explain to a chiffonhead that Fleetwood Mac doesn't need and is entirely capable of existing without Stevie Nicks... eh, I think I'll go talk to my wall.

05-23-2006, 02:32 PM
As cliffdweller already said, why put herself through the stress and power struggles of a Fleetwood Mac album or tour when she can hit the road with her own band on her own terms?

I think that was Strand, but hey, I'll take it :D ;)

05-23-2006, 02:33 PM
Another thing I'd love to see... a full-length album collaboration between Stevie & Chris Isaak. So far, they've only given us small tastes of what they sound like together ("It's Late" & "Solitary Man," from The Chris Isaak Show, "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town," from Chris' 'Christmas' album, and "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" from his PBS special), but they've definitely whet my appetite.
I haven't heard the two of them sing "Solitary Man" (I have heard Chris Isaak sing it alone)but that is one of my favorite Neil Diamond songs. Is that a *circulating boot?
*seeing animated suede Stevie boot moving in circles

05-23-2006, 02:33 PM
Right. So?
I was just responding to your comment. not inciting a response.
I realize that you're a vocalist and that's what you're into, but even if you had heard them sing, that's really not the point. Nice of you to offer a completely uninformed "bore," though.
meaning I don't really know what they'd bring to the concert...the "bore" comment doesn't have to be informed with respect to their talents...the thought (from what I have seen) is enough
No, it wouldn't hold your interest. Just as a Stevie concert held tomorrow wouldn't hold my interest.
right. so?
A lot of folks seem to have the impression that she doesn't want them, given her comments about the SYW recording process, and the footage in the documentary. And how does she need them? She's got a successful touring career as a solo artist, and she could release a solo album tomorrow that would sell perfectly fine. Saying she doesn't need Fleetwood Mac is not an insult. It's a recognition of the fact that she has a perfectly successful career on her own. As cliffdweller already said, why put herself through the stress and power struggles of a Fleetwood Mac album or tour when she can hit the road with her own band on her own terms?
I guess I just don't get that out of what she's said regarding SYW, etc.
As far as attempting to explain to a chiffonhead that Fleetwood Mac doesn't need and is entirely capable of existing without Stevie Nicks... eh, I think I'll go talk to my wall.
well...then don't post a thread in the Stevie forum. I appreciate that you'd prefer to talk to your wall. nice.

05-23-2006, 02:37 PM
As far as attempting to explain to a chiffonhead that Fleetwood Mac doesn't need and is entirely capable of existing without Stevie Nicks... eh, I think I'll go talk to my wall.

Ouch! That was a bit harsh wasn't it?

Anyway, I think they could exist without Stevie, but I don't think very many people would be all that interested :shrug:. I'm sure Lindsey fans would bust a nut, but other than that? I mean, John and Mick? Okay, you'd get some old schoolers I guess, but, what's even the point Jyqm? You're just being cheeky!

05-23-2006, 02:38 PM
I think that was Strand, but hey, I'll take it :D ;)

You are welcome to it my dear!

As for La Nicks and the Mac - I have always said her sense of loyalty to that band is staggering. That she went back at all after Bella Donna amazed me. Then, she went back again for TITN. She did not have to do either, but she did and she knew the environment she was walking into. So, I say kudos to her for sticking with it.

On edit - I do think, though, that she recognizes the power of the five in the Mac is far greater than anything she could do solo.

05-23-2006, 02:39 PM
I think that was Strand, but hey, I'll take it :D ;)

I had a feeling it might not have been you, but I was feeling lazy (like Stevie, tee hee!) and didn't bother to check!

05-23-2006, 02:43 PM
I hope Fleetwood Mac does reconvene soon, but Stevie certainly does not have to be a part of it, as far as I'm concerned. Actually, I'd prefer if she wasn't. Two appetizing possibilities:

1) Peter and Jeremy join up with Mick and John to record an "anniversary" album and/or do a small tour.

2) Fleetwood Mac becomes a power trio: just Lindsey on guitar and vocals, backed by Mick and John. I'm kind of salivating just thinking about it, actually. We know Lindsey loves playing with these guys and likes recruiting them to play on "solo" tracks anyway. Imagine the album they might come up with together. Even better, imagine the stripped-down tour, and all the great songs they would have a chance to play, with both Christine and Stevie's material put out to pasture. (If they wanted to pay tribute to the ladies, they could always perform "Think About Me" and "Crystal"...)

Bottom line: Stevie doesn't need (or want) Fleetwood Mac at this point. I hope Fleetwood Mac realize they don't need her, either. (Lindsey, on the other hand, does need Fleetwood Mac, or at least is a lot better off with them than without them.)

Mick and LB would be hard pressed to do anything without La Nicks because she is, right or wrong, the star who brings in the money for the sessions and Mick and LB ain't recording in anything less than star style (remember LB is the one who lived in the, I think, Four Seasons for like a year :ekk: ) and the tour would not sell to support that - so, from that vantage point, I think they would never do it. But, you never know.

05-23-2006, 02:44 PM
. . . They'd also have to play smaller venues for this to fly.

Like a high school gym :laugh: :laugh:

05-23-2006, 02:46 PM
Ouch! That was a bit harsh wasn't it?

It sure was, but like George Washington, I would never tell a lie.

Anyway, I think they could exist without Stevie, but I don't think very many people would be all that interested :shrug:.

Again, so? (Also again: I never predicate these types of discussions on whether or not they would actually do it. I know they're all greedy and vain and don't want to play theaters or charge less than a hundred bucks a head, so none of these ideas will ever actually happen. But I don't think these types of fantasies are any less likely than Stevie putting out another album, or playing fewer than seven of her standard hits on any given night in the next decade. And they're way more likely than Lindsey ever putting out another album on his own.)

but, what's even the point Jyqm?

Uh, making some cool music?

05-23-2006, 02:53 PM
Uh, making some cool music?

Says you! A little Lindsey musical masturbation goes a long way with me. All his noodling and wankering...I mean, it's good in a F.M. context (most of the time) but on his own?? I don't know. I've never been the biggest fan of his solo work. And you know it wouldn't be much of a collaborative effort with just John and Mick...Lindsey would just be telling them what to play! :laugh:

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 03:01 PM
As far as attempting to explain to a chiffonhead that Fleetwood Mac doesn't need and is entirely capable of existing without Stevie Nicks... eh, I think I'll go talk to my wall.Ooh, now go over to the Christine Forum and try to tell them Fleetwood Mac is still great without her! Just make sure you wear your bulletproof vest. :laugh:

I'll trot out this old warhorse again... "Who gives a Tusk about a Fleetwood Mac without Stevie Nicks?" And that wasn't coming from a Chiffonhead, it came from Entertainment Weekly. So it's certainly not like Stevie's diehard fans are the only ones who might have that viewpoint, rightly or wrongly.

I think the problem a lot of people have when thinking of a Fleetwood Mac without Stevie, is that it's no longer the big, romantic, glamorous supergroup that the majority of people think of when they think of Fleetwood Mac. The interplay between the three leads, or even just between Stevie & Lindsey, is very important to the appeal of Fleetwood Mac for many, many people.
Take one or two people away, and the band becomes less appealing to them... especially when that person happens to be widely regarded as the focal point.

Not to mention the fact that I'm sure a lot of people would view a Fleetwood Mac with just Mick, John & Lindsey as a Lindsey Buckingham solo project that just happened to feature Fleetwood & McVie. Which isn't too far from all the complaints that the most recent edition of FM was nothing more than Buckingham Nicks with Fleetwood & McVie along for the ride.

Since 1987, there has been a great amount of resistance to Fleetwood Mac's lineup changing, and that didn't start or end with Stevie's fans. :shrug:

(By the way, I'd be perfectly happy with Stevie staying solo at this point.)

The Tower
05-23-2006, 03:22 PM
I think all five of them are pretty much retired at this point- other than Mick and his career as a wine merchant :rolleyes: .

If Lindsey could put all that money into that house and then just sell it (especially after that magazine article), then he certainly isn't wanting for anything. If he had a need to flex his musical muscles then he would have actually released something between Out of the Cradle and Say You Will. And, hello, it's already been three years since Say You Will and nada.

I think the whole FM thing as a Rumours concept died at the end of the Mirage tour. Tango in the Night was labored and the Dance was just nostalgia.

Anyone who thinks that anything substantial is going to come out of any of them, or that any behavior different than that of the last twenty years will occur at this point is a terminal dreamer.

The Tower
05-23-2006, 03:25 PM
(By the way, I'd be perfectly happy with Stevie staying solo at this point.)
I would be, too, if she'd actually do something. If I had all her money and time and the luxury that she lives in, I would be cranking out the music. Especially in this day and age when it's so much cheaper to produce, market and sell music.

Face it, Brian- you know she is laaaaazzzzzyyyyyyyyyy. :laugh:

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 05:19 PM
Face it, Brian- you know she is laaaaazzzzzyyyyyyyyyy. :laugh::laugh:

My dad and Stevie are the same age... born in the same month and the same year, as a matter of fact... and I know my father is plenty ready to retire. I imagine Stevie's feeling the same way. Not that Stevie's job is anywhere near as hard as my father's, mind you, but then Dad saw a few minutes of 'Live In Boston' recently and said, "I couldn't do that every night." So go figure.

At any rate, I'm hoping that after she rests up a little and enjoys some time off, she'll get the bug again and start recording. I know it's selfish, but I really couldn't care less if she ever tours again -- I just want more music. :)

You know me, Towie... I am something of a dreamer. ;)

05-23-2006, 05:28 PM
It sure was, but like George Washington, I would never tell a lie . . . .

Just the truth with some stretchers ;)

For the record, I thought they made some interesting music on SYW.

05-23-2006, 05:43 PM
Ooh, now go over to the Christine Forum and try to tell them Fleetwood Mac is still great without her! Just make sure you wear your bulletproof vest. :laugh:

I've got a feeling I could do so without too much problem, but I'll be sure to let you know if I think up a good Christine complaint to post so we can both watch the potential fireworks!

Maybe I should start a thread over there about how I think her 1984 album is one of the most god-awful things I've ever heard, how it's far more disgustingly 80s than anything Stevie released in that decade, and how it boggles my mind that such a talented group of musicians and "guest stars" could produce such a steaming pile of BLAND.

I'll trot out this old warhorse again... "Who gives a Tusk about a Fleetwood Mac without Stevie Nicks?" And that wasn't coming from a Chiffonhead, it came from Entertainment Weekly.

Well, if Entertainment Weekly said it...

My response is still... so? I've never claimed that "Fleetwood Mac with [whatever Stevie- and Christine-less combination of performers you can think of] will sell out arenas across the world!" Of course they wouldn't. They'd play theaters of various sizes.

Although rest assured that there would still be plenty of people showing up who would have no idea that this was anything other than the full Rumours line-up. Even if you printed a big ad in the paper. Lots of people don't pay attention to the details. They're just going to have a night out and pretend that they remember 1977 and enjoy the $5 pretzels.

Not to mention the fact that I'm sure a lot of people would view a Fleetwood Mac with just Mick, John & Lindsey as a Lindsey Buckingham solo project that just happened to feature Fleetwood & McVie. Which isn't too far from all the complaints that the most recent edition of FM was nothing more than Buckingham Nicks with Fleetwood & McVie along for the ride.

And no less silly and illegitimate.

(By the way, I'd be perfectly happy with Stevie staying solo at this point.)

I've got a feeling she likely will, at least beyond whatever nostalgia tour they're apparently cooking up for next year. The question will just be, will she actually do anything solo? (Besides her own nostalgia tours, that is.)

05-23-2006, 05:45 PM
terminal dreamer.

Oh, no! How....how long do I have, Tow?

The Tower
05-23-2006, 07:16 PM
Oh, no! How....how long do I have, Tow?
{looks at watch}

Oh, I'd say about five or ten minutes....

:p :p :p

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 08:18 PM
Well, if Entertainment Weekly said it...My point was that it's not an opinion held solely by Stevie's most devoted fans.

My response is still... so? I've never claimed that "Fleetwood Mac with [whatever Stevie- and Christine-less combination of performers you can think of] will sell out arenas across the world!" Of course they wouldn't. They'd play theaters of various sizes.I agree that it would be awesome if Fleetwood Mac, in whatever combination, would do something different than the big-budget arena tours... but I don't think they really want to play to just a couple of hundred people, while they can still attract a couple of thousand per night.

05-23-2006, 08:55 PM
i dont think Stevie will retire just yet. and if she does, well she is a human being. i have a funny story . i was listening to Peacekeeper today. and mae my client in the group home ended the song with a burp. then she put her arms out saying thats it folks. jean-marie Stevieness:]

05-23-2006, 09:40 PM
My point was that it's not an opinion held solely by Stevie's most devoted fans. Stevie fans have always hated the rest of the band, Johnny. They used to tell me: "The others can go to hell." I just said: "Well ... whatever."

But now they backpedal & pretend to like Fleetwood Mac. They shouldn't bother. Have the courage of your taste as well as your convictions. If you hate that band, stand up & say so, loudly, clearly & dynamically. Don't be shy. Don't be ashamed. Surely, don't be a luddie-duddie. Don't be a mooncalf. Don't be a jabbernow. You're not those, are you? Nobody can force you to like anything. It's like vanilla ice cream. If you hate vanilla ice cream, why go around saying you like it, or saying: "Well, it has some very interesting qualities which I admire"? That's just goofy.

Just speak your piece. Be proud! Be few! Have the courage of your concoctions!

Also, Pete Green fans have always hated the Lindsey-Stevie years because it is insufferably poppy to them & the band is like pre-chewed bubblegum. Not even fresh bubblegum, but pre-chewed.

I see all. . . .:nod:

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 09:51 PM
Stevie fans have always hated the rest of the band, Johnny. They used to tell me: "The others can go to hell." I just said: "Well ... whatever."I wasn't exposed to many Stevie fans prior to the internet... certainly not any diehard ones. And the ones I've met online in the years since 1996, have mostly loved Fleetwood Mac... even if they lean more towards Stevie. In fact, in the past ten years, I've only talked to two people who genuinely disliked everyone else in the band.

Maybe the older Nicks fans felt that way, but younger generations... and I'm including my own age-group here... don't generally share that "the rest of Fleetwood Mac sucks" viewpoint.

05-23-2006, 10:23 PM
I wasn't exposed to many Stevie fans prior to the internet... certainly not any diehard ones. And the ones I've met online in the years since 1996, have mostly loved Fleetwood Mac... even if they lean more towards Stevie. In fact, in the past ten years, I've only talked to two people who genuinely disliked everyone else in the band.

Maybe the older Nicks fans felt that way, but younger generations... and I'm including my own age-group here... don't generally share that "the rest of Fleetwood Mac sucks" viewpoint.Are you calling me old?

Johnny Stew
05-23-2006, 10:49 PM
Are you calling me old?

*Looks around & whistles*

05-23-2006, 11:29 PM
{looks at watch}

Oh, I'd say about five or ten minutes....

:p :p :p

If only you were right, that would get me out of two take home finals...{wishes for death by Dreamer}.

It's okay, the way I've smoked and lollygagged in my life, and surmised and postulated, and sillied and invented, and generally not done as I should do, I'm sure I'll contract Terminal Dreamer in a few years anyway. I hear it's a pleasant way to go. :laugh:

05-23-2006, 11:55 PM
There are a number of reasons Stevie isn't doing an Emmylou. Number one, she's not a musician. Two, she's never really been adventurous. Three, she has had a run as a "big time rock star" and ain't doing anything that doesn't make money. Furthermore, in spite of her drug and sex debauchery, I think at heart she is an extremely conservative person.

Emmylou makes a lot of different kinds of music. It's mostly country based, but it varies. She has covered people for years. She has had a number of interesting collaborations - the Trio stuff, the Spyboy band, Gram Parsons, a brilliant record with Daniel Lanois. Now she is starting to write her own material, and her last few records are among the best of her career. She is reaching the zenith of her creative powers, and Stevie did that between 1973-1980. That was over 25 years ago, folks.

Mac without her ? I doubt it. That machine makes them money, and at this point it is ALL about the money. If it was about the music, they'd be cranking stuff out because they were all "mad songwriters", jamming for fun, and would have even written and recorded stuff on the road or at soundchecks. It's a business for them. It's a big old machine, and they really have a time warp mentality about the way the industry works.

Of course your fantasy, Jyqm, is as cool as all get out. I have imagined Stevie doing an all country album, an all duet album, an orchestra recording of her best songs, a big band record, blah blah, ad nauseum. Great ideas, wrong artist. Maybe in her next lifetime.

On the other hand, I don't doubt Sheryl Crow will get around to doing most of those things.

05-23-2006, 11:58 PM
sparky, you're a wise, wise person.

05-24-2006, 01:39 AM
I don't like this idea. And good luck selling tickets for this debacle. Noone wants to see Fleetwood Mac without Stevie AND Chris! That's ridiculous. They could get away with it if they didn't call themselves F.M., they'd have to choose another name and call it a side project. They'd also have to play smaller venues for this to fly.

I can only speak for myself but I don't think I would see them if Stevie wasn't there. I am already sad Chris may not be touring with them again. I have never been to a FM or Stevie show before. If she wasn't there I'd be disappointed because I want to see them all together.

05-24-2006, 03:59 AM
I can only speak for myself but I don't think I would see them if Stevie wasn't there. I am already sad Chris may not be touring with them again. I have never been to a FM or Stevie show before. If she wasn't there I'd be disappointed because I want to see them all together.

That's the same problem I have- I have never seen FM or Stevie solo. However, for that reason exactly, I would be delighted if I could see at least some of the members doing a side project or whatever. And -even though I am mostly a Stevie fan- I would pay 100 euros just to see Lindsey doing acoustic Big Love in a tiny venue and then say "thank you, you guys are great. Goodnight".

05-24-2006, 07:04 AM
. . . Furthermore, in spite of her drug and sex debauchery, I think at heart she is an extremely conservative person.

So are you :xoxo:

05-24-2006, 10:57 AM
Stevie fans have always hated the rest of the band, Johnny.

David you're incorrigible sometimes. I don't know anybody who hates Fleetwood Mac but loves Stevie. Or, maybe it's because I'm more in JohnnyStew's age group and fall within those parameters he was talking about with regard to younger fans. Anyway, to say that Stevie fans hate the rest of the band is overgeneralizing. Like I said, I don't know anyone who feels this way, and I certainly don't. I love the band. I love Stevie. I'm just saying that I don't think your average F.M. fan would be very happy to go to to a "Fleetwood Mac" show and only see Mick, John and Lindsey on stage playing MOSTLY newly Lindsey penned tunes with a bit of GYOW and Second Hand News thrown in for good measure! But Jyqm did say it was a "fantasy" of his so I guess that says it all. I'd also like to mention that I do find it really interesting that Jyqm has fantasies that involve 3 men.... :cool: :p

05-24-2006, 11:33 AM
I'm still pissed off that Lindsey & Stevie didn't quit Fleetwood Mac for good in 1981.


05-24-2006, 11:58 AM
I haven't heard the two of them sing "Solitary Man" (I have heard Chris Isaak sing it alone)but that is one of my favorite Neil Diamond songs. Is that a *circulating boot?
*seeing animated suede Stevie boot moving in circles

YES! And it's fantastic! :nod: The harmonies are fab. It's from the 2000 Arizona Heart Institute benefit (the same show where she & Lindsey did "Gypsy" accoustically and she sang with Sheryl on "Difficult Kind", both of which still give me goosebumps.)

I have it, I won't be able to put it up tonight, but possibly tomorrow. :angel:

05-24-2006, 12:01 PM
YES! And it's fantastic! :nod: The harmonies are fab. It's from the 2000 Arizona Heart Institute benefit (the same show where she & Lindsey did "Gypsy" accoustically and she sang with Sheryl on "Difficult Kind", both of which still give me goosebumps.)

I have it, I won't be able to put it up tonight, but possibly tomorrow. :angel:
Oh cool - that would be mighty swell of you.:xoxo:
I have the acoustic "Gypsy" - not sure if I have heard that version of 'Difficult Kind", a song I always love ot sing along with.

05-24-2006, 05:58 PM
O quit companing about her!:mad: Howz she seem retired? She just got off of a huge tour! And besides, y do u all think she duzn;t wanna release more stuff? ddin't we all agree those press articles are just trying to make seem unhappy because thats what the public wants to hear? She sed on ask stevie that she will release another albums. shes also numerously stated that the day she stops making music is the day that noone wants to hear her? comon, shell release plenty more albums, im sure!:nod:

05-24-2006, 06:07 PM
O quit companing about her!:mad: Howz she seem retired? She just got off of a huge tour! And besides, y do u all think she duzn;t wanna release more stuff? ddin't we all agree those press articles are just trying to make seem unhappy because thats what the public wants to hear? She sed on ask stevie that she will release another albums. shes also numerously stated that the day she stops making music is the day that noone wants to hear her? comon, shell release plenty more albums, im sure!:nod:

I'll have what she's having.

05-24-2006, 06:26 PM
I'll have what she's having.

you must have 666 tatooed on you somewhere...:eek:

05-24-2006, 06:29 PM
you must have 666 tatooed on you somewhere...:eek:

I always knew Meg Ryan was in league with Satan.

05-24-2006, 07:03 PM
I always knew Meg Ryan was in league with Satan.

What are you talking about?! Meg Ryan is awesome, I love her! Satan...psshht.


05-24-2006, 07:13 PM
What are you talking about?! Meg Ryan is awesome, I love her! Satan...psshht.


looks like Meggie girl has a HUGE wet spot on her shirt :shrug:

The Tower
05-24-2006, 07:15 PM
O quit companing about her!:mad: Howz she seem retired? She just got off of a huge tour! And besides, y do u all think she duzn;t wanna release more stuff? ddin't we all agree those press articles are just trying to make seem unhappy because thats what the public wants to hear? She sed on ask stevie that she will release another albums. shes also numerously stated that the day she stops making music is the day that noone wants to hear her? comon, shell release plenty more albums, im sure!:nod:
Wel, her hole tour wuzn;t really like all that~ cuz it wuz just a bunch of retreads ~&~ she needed the money- lol lori sed on ask stevie that thers no planz for a new album~ so im goin with that. Stevie also sed that she dont want to make an album cuz all the young peeps arnt in2 her stuf. N since shes only dun too albums in the last fifteen years it's kinda hard to think shell release plenty more albums, im sure!:nod:

cmon guyz- as if the public wants her to B unhappy! :mad:

05-24-2006, 07:23 PM
Stevie should join Trio, and they'd change their name to Quartet. I dunno, I'd certainly enjoy a Linda-Emmylou-Dolly-Stevie album.

05-24-2006, 08:36 PM
Wel, her hole tour wuzn;t really like all that~ cuz it wuz just a bunch of retreads ~&~ she needed the money- lol lori sed on ask stevie that thers no planz for a new album~ so im goin with that. Stevie also sed that she dont want to make an album cuz all the young peeps arnt in2 her stuf. N since shes only dun too albums in the last fifteen years it's kinda hard to think shell release plenty more albums, im sure!:nod:

cmon guyz- as if the public wants her to B unhappy! :mad:

i agre wit waht u sed

05-24-2006, 10:05 PM
ok here goes . . .

what if she doesn't know what she wants to do yet . . . ???

she just got off a few years worth of work . . .

her father passed away . . .(when my dad died . . .man oh man . . . it takes forever to get over . . .if ever. . .

"it's just like a river . . . it's never ending . . .i can not pretend . . . that the heartache falls away"

she is an older woman that really deserves to live her life how she feels and pleases . . ( . . ie christine . . . can you really fault someone for wanting to slow down after that much of your life on the road and living in the public eye?? - )

retired? - who knows . . .
tired? . . . probably . . .
maybe having some life experiences now that she is looking to inspire a whole new batch of songs . . .

who knows? . . . not me

but i give her all the space she needs in my mind . . .
of course i would love to have years and years of new material pour out of her . . . but if i never hear a new song that she wrote or sang on . . . i could never feel ripped off . . . she has hit me in the heart and took my breath away so many times . . . sometimes strangely mirroring what i was going through in life . . .

rest up stevie - and enjoy your life wherever it leads:wavey:

as the mamas and papas said:

"go where you wanna go . . . do what you wanna do. . . with whoever, you wanna do it with"

The Tower
05-25-2006, 12:39 AM
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah delete!!

That was a stroke of masterwork....


Johnny Stew
05-25-2006, 12:42 AM
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah delete!!

That was a stroke of masterwork....

Maturity???Yes, I deleted it because I didn't want to get into it with you again.

But, truth be told, I do think it's extremely immature for a nearly 40 year old man to mock a 17 year old.

I guess that's just me.

05-25-2006, 01:21 AM
Howz she seem retired? She just got off of a huge tour! I guess some peeps exhaust themselves as well. Except Stevie writes kick-ass tunes, performs kick-ass shows, and lives her life on ENJOY while others rub their fingers raw with every keystroke of complaint. I bet their jaws hurt plenty too. Oh well! :wavey:

05-25-2006, 09:59 AM
Stevie only needs to be Stevie!

The Tower
05-25-2006, 10:19 AM
But, truth be told, I do think it's extremely immature for a nearly 40 year old man to mock a 17 year old.

I guess that's just me.
nightbird89 is seventeen??!?!? Wow. I didn't realize he/she was that old.

05-25-2006, 10:43 AM
Well, now that we know she's doing a short stint with Petty this summer, I guess she's not totally retired. :shrug:

Yousendit is down right now, I'll try to post "Solitary Man" and "Difficult Kind" later.

05-25-2006, 01:28 PM
Well, now that we know she's doing a short stint with Petty this summer, I guess she's not totally retired. :shrug:

Yousendit is down right now, I'll try to post "Solitary Man" and "Difficult Kind" later.Is Stevie going to sing Inside Her with Tom Petty?

Fans have been dying to hear that.

05-25-2006, 06:35 PM
nightbird89 is seventeen??!?!? Wow. I didn't realize he/she was that old.

just curious, y do u say that?:shrug: besides, i dont think they're talkin bout me

05-25-2006, 06:41 PM
Wel, her hole tour wuzn;t really like all that~ cuz it wuz just a bunch of retreads ~&~ she needed the money- lol lori sed on ask stevie that thers no planz for a new album~ so im goin with that. Stevie also sed that she dont want to make an album cuz all the young peeps arnt in2 her stuf. N since shes only dun too albums in the last fifteen years it's kinda hard to think shell release plenty more albums, im sure!:nod:

cmon guyz- as if the public wants her to B unhappy! :mad:

i thought her tour was great! i saw her in cleveland, and she did a great show. as for the publicnot wanting her to be happy, i think ppl find it more amusing reading about when ppl have hardships rather than when ppl r just plain happy. imo

The Tower
05-25-2006, 07:01 PM

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

05-25-2006, 07:31 PM
Getting back on topic..imagine that:lol: I think Emmylou has always had kind of a different motivation than La Nicks .She is certainly more of an intellectual and as already noted was never caught up in the throes of Stardom and ideas of actively courting celebrity in the way that Nicks has pretty much always been no matter how she may have denied it at times.Emmylou still makes music for the pure joy of it which is something Stevie may have forgotten how to do although I truly hope she has not.One more factor is that Emmylou has taken care of her voice much more. 30 years ago they were equally gifted at harmony singing and pretty much peerless in that domain and indeed Nicks sang harmony on quite a few albums Warren Zevon.Walter Egan .Bob Welch .John Stewart to name some.It's true Buckingham was also involved in most of these projects and may have just brought her along but nonetheless she did participate and gave some stellar performances then .I don't know that she could do the same now.

05-26-2006, 12:20 AM
I'm not really into the whole discussion, but I am into singing, so here's me and Emmylou, singing together. The canyon was on fire. Which caused me to mess up the slide on "I5". :p I always mess up the Wild Heart slide, too.
Nevertheless, a favorite song, and a good singing one. Maybe not here, but...:laugh:

05-26-2006, 09:58 AM
Here's Stevie & Chris Isaak's version of "Solitary Man" from AHI 2000.


05-26-2006, 10:56 AM
Stevie & Sheryl "Difficult Kind"


05-26-2006, 10:57 AM
I'm not really into the whole discussion, but I am into singing, so here's me and Emmylou, singing together. The canyon was on fire. Which caused me to mess up the slide on "I5". :p I always mess up the Wild Heart slide, too.
Nevertheless, a favorite song, and a good singing one. Maybe not here, but...:laugh:

That was fabulous, my dear. :nod:

05-26-2006, 02:25 PM
Stevie & Sheryl "Difficult Kind"


Omigod, I love this song and I don't have it. Thank you! And for solitary man, as well. I can't wait to get home!
Thanks for the compliment. :xoxo: