View Full Version : Mp3 blogs

03-07-2006, 04:36 PM
I have been addicted to these lately, they are so much fun! I haven't been able to preview so much music since I worked in record stores. Many of these sites have short-term downloads of the music they are blogging about. Yes, free music...well, as free as it is here when Ledgies are feeling generous, expensive only in terms of bandwidth.

I recently found an Mp3 blog aggregator, http://hype.non-standard.net/ and I think this is the best way to find music blogs whose authors share your music taste, or have the ability to surprise you by playing what will become your new favorite music.

I even found a site with a list of fine arts music blogs

Do you have any favorite music blogs?

03-07-2006, 05:20 PM
I don't have one, but that sounds really cool, thanks for the heads up. :wavey: