View Full Version : Natasha Bedingfield

02-19-2006, 02:26 AM
I've recently really listened to Natasha and I must say I am impressed with her vocal styling, lyrics and melodies. She is very talented and so is her brother, Daniel. What the hell is he up to lately? I just think she's great. Her song "I Bruise Easily" could easily be the soundtrack to my life. It's a beautiful song.

And it doesn't hurt that I LOVE the name Natasha.

02-19-2006, 02:31 AM
Yer, she had a couple of hits here I think last year, is she a kiwi? She is the sister of another musician Daniel Bedingfield who is more of a dance style pop I think.

02-19-2006, 02:40 AM
Yer, she had a couple of hits here I think last year, is she a kiwi? She is the sister of another musician Daniel Bedingfield who is more of a dance style pop I think.
sorry, I don't know what a kiwi is...

yes, Daniel did seem to be more dance oriented, but his album actually has some good ballads and a good mix of different types of music. I like his voice as well.

02-19-2006, 02:45 AM
sorry, I don't know what a kiwi is...

yes, Daniel did seem to be more dance oriented, but his album actually has some good ballads and a good mix of different types of music. I like his voice as well.

LOL :laugh: A kiwi is a nickname for a New Zealander, like Aussie for Australian etc... And Natasha is British, Daniel is a kiwi though. As for liking Natasha........... I really think that she is horrible :sorry:

02-19-2006, 02:46 AM
sorry, I don't know what a kiwi is...

yes, Daniel did seem to be more dance oriented, but his album actually has some good ballads and a good mix of different types of music. I like his voice as well.

:laugh: I thought it was a commonly known term...Kiwi is a person from New Zealand.

02-19-2006, 02:47 AM
LOL :laugh: A kiwi is a nickname for a New Zealander, like Aussie for Australian etc... And Natasha is British, Daniel is a kiwi though. As for liking Natasha........... I really think that she is horrible :sorry:

So are Daniel and Natasha related?

02-19-2006, 02:50 AM
So are Daniel and Natasha related?

Yes, but born in different countries. The majority of their family lives in NZ though....

Daniel had a serious car accident here not long ago did'nt he :confused:

02-19-2006, 03:03 AM
Ooh now you mention it, I may have heard that but I'm not sure.

02-19-2006, 08:38 AM
Daniel had a serious car accident here not long ago did'nt he :confused:

Yes, he had a big car accident while in New Zealand visiting his parents - it took him a while to come back from it. I can't say I'm particularly keen on his music though, and I can't stand his sister's rubbish - apologies to those who like her. "These Words" had the most trite and platitudinous lyrics this side of Pinky and Perky - but then it was a hit, so what do I know? :confused:

02-19-2006, 01:02 PM
I've only hear her 2 singles (These Words & Unwritten? Is that the new one?) At first I kind of blew her off, but the more I heard the more I liked. She seems promising.

02-19-2006, 03:38 PM
"These Words" had the most trite and platitudinous lyrics this side of Pinky and Perky - but then it was a hit, so what do I know? :confused:

The thing you have to recognize about These Words and the trite lyrics is that she's basically attacking those who tell her she needs to write a certain way in order to get her songs recorded and listened to. "I had some studio time booked, but I couldn't find a killer hook...nothing I write is ever good enough." But she can't "express herself" (for lack of a better term) by changing the way she writes. Saying "I love you" she says is the best way to say "I love you" instead of writing this lengthy poem about it. As a lyrically driven person myself, I didn't get into this song for a while until I realized it's actually a clever way to say "just leave me alone and let me write my songs the way I want to." Plus, the damn song is just so catchy...

02-19-2006, 05:25 PM
I've only hear her 2 singles (These Words & Unwritten? Is that the new one?) At first I kind of blew her off, but the more I heard the more I liked. She seems promising.
yep, that's me.

It didn't hurt that the remix of These Words is awesome. I love me some remixes. LOL

02-19-2006, 11:03 PM
i saw her do a live showcase here in toronto last summer for her cd launch. mostly industry types (of which i'm not - just a friend of one). it was an okay show - cool venue. these words went over really well - and i have to say i was hooked on it for a few weeks. but i got bored of it. if i were to hear it again today, though, i wouldn't turn it off. i thought the lyrics were kind of fun, actually. and i like the beat ("it's got a cool beat, dick, and i can dance to it!")

02-20-2006, 03:07 AM
Yes, he had a big car accident while in New Zealand visiting his parents - it took him a while to come back from it. I can't say I'm particularly keen on his music though, and I can't stand his sister's rubbish - apologies to those who like her. "These Words" had the most trite and platitudinous lyrics this side of Pinky and Perky - but then it was a hit, so what do I know? :confused:
Quite a few of my US friends are really digging her yet most people I know over here can't stand her. My 9 year old loves her. Natasha supported Sheryl Crow when she toured here a couple of year ago

02-21-2006, 02:09 PM
I LOVE Daniel's "Gotta Get Thru This" and was even more impressed when I found he wrote it himself in 10 minutes or something like that.

As far as Natasha I think being the sister of Daniel has really helped her. To be honest I don't think she is anything special, typical pretty pop star but I happen to adore that first song of hers. I don't know the name but on the video she is dancing by a boom box I believe. Totally cute! I like her and it's a great song. These Words must be the one I'm thinking of.

05-30-2006, 03:30 PM
Natasha has a new song out, The One That Got Away. it is awesome, but I can't find the remix that XM and Sirius have been playing. anyone got this?