View Full Version : Why I like coming here

02-07-2006, 12:39 PM
I was reading DrummerDeanna's thread, and while I realize she had her reasons for not wanting to come here anymore and I respect them, I wanted to present an alternative opinion. I've been on here now for about 9 months and yeah, there have been some ups and downs, but I really enjoy the back and forth of the various individuals here. Can people be opinionated sometimes, sure. But it's never been enough to make me not want to come here. I have alot of **** going on in my life right now, and this place has been an oasis of calm in my life. People like Suzequze and Btflchild and others have become my good friends and been more than kind to me and offered me good advice on how to deal with what I'm dealing with. I believe the moderators are doing the best they can. I'm not in anyway saying Deanna doesnt have legitimate reasons for being upset, it's just that sometimes things that upset some people dont upset others. Moderators have to balance that out. I love coming here, and I'm not going anywhere.:)

02-07-2006, 01:20 PM
Btflchild sweet david...ive known you for much longer than the ledge (crew ;) ), and i have to say you being here has made this a better place...you are very open and kind, always have been, and i really appreciate this about you...:xoxo:

02-07-2006, 01:21 PM
sweet david...ive known you for much longer than the ledge (crew ;) ), and i have to say you being here has made this a better place...you are very open and kind, always have been, and i really appreciate this about you...:xoxo:Ah yes crew. Hey btw, you remember Pacawn? I talked to Jeff yesterday, and he told me Jay lives in Texas now. Good to hear that.:)

02-07-2006, 01:25 PM
Ah yes crew. Hey btw, you remember Pacawn? I talked to Jeff yesterday, and he told me Jay lives in Texas now. Good to hear that.:) wheres jeff? tell him to call me! i know pac had a tuff time with the hurric...good to hear he is ok, and doing well :D

02-07-2006, 01:26 PM
David, your posts always make me smile :D

Since I work from home, The Ledge is my connection to the outside world. That's scary :laugh:

02-07-2006, 01:28 PM
Since I work from home, The Ledge is my connection to the outside world. That's scary :laugh:


Very much so...although it has been my connection for the lat month...which hopefully will change soon!

02-07-2006, 01:30 PM
wheres jeff? tell him to call me! i know pac had a tuff time with the hurric...good to hear he is ok, and doing well :DYeah he had to get out of NO in a hurry, but he's pretty settled where he is now. I hope someday he can go back.

02-07-2006, 01:31 PM
I love coming here because of the people. It's close-knit (usually) and most of the regular members have been together a while. Having been here for 3 years, I've seen a lot of people come and go, but I've been lucky to become very good friends with a lot of them. That's what matters most to me. :nod:

02-07-2006, 01:32 PM
David, your posts always make me smile :D

Since I work from home, The Ledge is my connection to the outside world. That's scary :laugh:Like John Lennon says "Whatever gets you thru the night.":thumbsup: :)

02-07-2006, 01:35 PM
I love coming here because when Stevie farts, I know about it FAST. LOL

Seriously though- I do get a lot of info from the Chit Chat threads. So many people that post here are so damned articulate and thought provoking, and I really appreciate that. :woohoo:

02-07-2006, 01:37 PM
I love coming here because of the people. I've been lucky to become very good friends with a lot of them. That's what matters most to me. :nod: yeah, thats what keeps me coming back for more :wavey:

02-07-2006, 01:37 PM
I love coming here because when Stevie farts, I know about it FAST. LOL

Seriously though- I do get a lot of info from the Chit Chat threads. So many people that post here are so damned articulate and thought provoking, and I really appreciate that. :woohoo:
This is sooo true too. I love knowing the latest Stevie rumours before anyone else. :p

And also, a side note: Thank you to whoever gave me the presale password two years ago for the FM shows. Ahh, the benefits of The Ledge. :laugh:

02-07-2006, 01:42 PM
I come here because if there's anything about Fleetwood Mac you people don't know, then it's not worth knowing. My enjoyment of the music has been greatly increased by the extra knowledge I have gained here, so that's it! :laugh:

02-07-2006, 02:00 PM
I come here because I'm addicted to seeing my total post count rise.

02-07-2006, 02:00 PM
I come here because I'm addicted to seeing my total post count rise.
:lol: :thumbsup: :nod:

02-07-2006, 02:04 PM
I come here because I'm addicted to seeing my total post count rise.I'm addicted to seeing other things rise too. But this is a family show........:lol: ;)

02-07-2006, 02:05 PM
I'm addicted to seeing other things rise too. But this is a family show........:lol: ;)
strike...oh, what is it now...32?


02-07-2006, 02:07 PM
strike...oh, what is it now...32?

LOLHmm, I'm probably at about 50 now. :woohoo:

02-07-2006, 02:07 PM
I'm addicted to seeing other things rise too. But this is a family show........:lol: ;)

:lol: I am sure you are not the only one who's mind went there! Although mine didn't. No really, it didn't! :lol:

02-07-2006, 02:11 PM
:lol: I am sure you are not the only one who's mind went there! Although mine didn't. No really, it didn't! :lol:I stand before judgement and beg for forgiveness for my obscene transgressions......:lol:

02-07-2006, 02:22 PM
:lol: I am sure you are not the only one who's mind went there! Although mine didn't. No really, it didn't! :lol:
leave it to me to post something that can send anyone's mind to the gutter...I swear I'm so naive sometimes :)

02-07-2006, 02:23 PM
leave it to me to post something that can send anyone's mind to the gutter...I swear I'm so naive sometimes :)I couldnt resist.:laugh: Ever heard the saying "I'm not as innocent as I look...":p

02-07-2006, 02:28 PM
I couldnt resist.:laugh: Ever heard the saying "I'm not as innocent as I look...":p
isn't that Hickney Spears song? lol

02-07-2006, 02:34 PM
isn't that Hickney Spears song? lolHas she gotten rid of that leech Federline or whatever the F**K his name is yet?:lol:

02-07-2006, 02:36 PM
Has she gotten rid of that leech Federline or whatever the F**K his name is yet?:lol: idk...but look what shes done now :eek:


02-07-2006, 03:05 PM
this is my online adopted family....Besides, every family needs an older Uncle who is the blacksheep of the family, Which is my job here :nod:

Still cant believe I have been on here since June 2001...I must live a boring existence, Then again Naaaahhhhhhhhh...

02-07-2006, 03:08 PM
this is my online adopted family....Besides, every family needs an older Uncle who is the blacksheep of the family, Which is my job here :nod:

Still cant believe I have been on here since June 2001...I must live a boring existence, Then again Naaaahhhhhhhhh...
I, for one, tho I rarely respond :sorry:, love reading your posts. :thumbsup:

02-07-2006, 03:09 PM
I love coming here because when Stevie farts, I know about it FAST. LOL

Seriously though- I do get a lot of info from the Chit Chat threads. So many people that post here are so damned articulate and thought provoking, and I really appreciate that. :woohoo:

Me, too. Especially the political news, which I usually read myself sporadically at best. Some people here are astonishingly well informed on that front.

02-07-2006, 03:09 PM
I thought of another reason why I come here. To put off doing discovery responses, answering complaints, finalizing quarterly reports, entering time, filing motions, responding to national counsel emails, answering my phone, talking to my assistant, etc. etc.

02-07-2006, 03:13 PM
I thought of another reason why I come here. To put off doing discovery responses, answering complaints, finalizing quarterly reports, entering time, filing motions, responding to national counsel emails, answering my phone, talking to my assistant, etc. etc.

and I to put off learning how to do those things!!! :p

Actually, Investigation, Discovery, and Trial Prep was my favorite of all the classes I've had to take. That's probably a good sign, especially since it was the most practical experience type of all my classes.
I can't believe you're putting anything off, though - My professors have so far put the fear of god in me about totally effing up someone's entire life if any deadlines are ever missed. :laugh: I guess you're an old hand at the whole thing, though.

02-07-2006, 03:23 PM
and I to put off learning how to do those things!!! :p

Actually, Investigation, Discovery, and Trial Prep

We did all of that in Civil Lit...which I enjoyed because I had a wonderful teacher.

My least fav. class was Real Property and Family Law. YUCK! I really enjoyed Criminal Law however...my fav.

02-07-2006, 03:24 PM
and I to put off learning how to do those things!!! :p

Actually, Investigation, Discovery, and Trial Prep was my favorite of all the classes I've had to take. That's probably a good sign, especially since it was the most practical experience type of all my classes.
I can't believe you're putting anything off, though - My professors have so far put the fear of god in me about totally effing up someone's entire life if any deadlines are ever missed. :laugh: I guess you're an old hand at the whole thing, though.
discovery is evil. trial prep is fun tho...and a little scary cause you realize that trial prep really means going back over everything you've done the past year or two and hope you haven't screwed anything up this close to trial

at least within asbestos litigation, the deadlines are all flexible really...unless you get into a situation where you and plaintiff's counsel can't work things out and everyone startes citing rules and ****. asbestos litigation is a big game. "if you dismiss X, I'll settle Y and take you to dinner." it's so crazy.

02-07-2006, 03:28 PM

Very much so...although it has been my connection for the lat month...which hopefully will change soon!

Oh. My. Gawd. that is an absolutely STUNNING picture of Liza. STUNNING:nod:

02-07-2006, 03:29 PM
discovery is evil. trial prep is fun tho...and a little scary cause you realize that trial prep really means going back over everything you've done the past year or two and hope you haven't screwed anything up this close to trial

at least within asbestos litigation, the deadlines are all flexible really...unless you get into a situation where you and plaintiff's counsel can't work things out and everyone startes citing rules and ****. asbestos litigation is a big game. "if you dismiss X, I'll settle Y and take you to dinner." it's so crazy.
That's weird, my teacher of that class was in Asbestos defense. He says lots of times he's had to go through the whole trial prep process, and then at the last minute they'll settle. How irritating, to do all that then settle. He said his discovery can be ridiculously voluminous, because of all the records, and how far back some alleged asbestos illness contraction is.
Anyway, I'm indulging in the dreaded "threadjack" - that heinous, heinous beast,(:rolleyes: ) so I'll stop.

02-07-2006, 03:34 PM
That's weird, my teacher of that class was in Asbestos defense. He says lots of times he's had to go through the whole trial prep process, and then at the last minute they'll settle. How irritating, to do all that then settle. He said his discovery can be ridiculously voluminous, because of all the records, and how far back some alleged asbestos illness contraction is.
Anyway, I'm indulging in the dreaded "threadjack" - that heinous, heinous beast,(:rolleyes: ) so I'll stop.
that's totally true. has happened to me at least 4 times I can count. discovery requests are usually 75 pages long. asbestos litigation could be very very interesting, instead it is like most other mass tort litigation.

ok, I'll stop too - sorry for threadjacking

02-07-2006, 03:37 PM
We did all of that in Civil Lit...which I enjoyed because I had a wonderful teacher.

My least fav. class was Real Property and Family Law. YUCK! I really enjoyed Criminal Law however...my fav.
I have more schooling in criminal law issues (also juvenile law) but Ive got real life experience in Family law. yuck. My most interesting classes were contracts and real property, but my heart is mostly with environmental law and believe it or not, property law (including real estate law to some extent). I found myself more interested in the issues of "takings" and "nexus of use" and here in my hometown, I got a nice, real world example of how property law (both State and Federal, since we have FORESTS--as in NATIONAL FORESTS) in our backyard so to speak) actually works. My bookshelves are FILLED with legal texts and handbooks for land use and CEQA law and NEPA law. Oh yeah, and family law issues of custody and psych evals and judicial corruption.....oh I could go ON!

02-07-2006, 03:46 PM
oh my gosh! how could I forget? I took a class in journalism law also, very VERY interesting! First Amendment Freedom of Speech and also the Journalist's creed of protecting the sources is very jealously guarded....We got to listen to a Supreme Court argument re: freedom of speech/flag burning, and there were some other significant free speech issues we touched on. I have the journalist's handbook and I actually paid for a publication by a free speech advocate that dealt with California's Brown Act regarding Open Meetings law. Now THAT is a very important idea, the "sunshine law" that requires public meetings to be open and public. His name is Terry Franke and he started the First Amendment Coalition. (interested parties can go here (http://www.cfac.org) or here (http://www.nfoic.org/web/resource/calif/calif.htm))
note: this deals with CA law.......but many states have this same concept, which is crucial to being informed. Also the FOIA which Bush effectively castrated, DAMN him.