View Full Version : Roe V Wade

02-02-2006, 09:03 PM
Well, everybody seems worried that this issue will in some form come before the supreme court now that captain Alito has taken his seat on the bench. SO my question to the panel is this. If there is an attempt to overturn Roe V Wade, how would it be approached? I'm no legal expert by any stretch, so I'm wondering how the pro-lifers might make a run at it. Incientally, my feelings on the subject are this; while I'm not thrilled with the idea of abortion, (No one loves it, I know) I lean towards the right to choose. I also wanto to say that I'm not trying to start any major flame war here becuase I know this ius a touchy subject, but I'm interested to hear people's opinions.

02-02-2006, 09:21 PM
Well, everybody seems worried that this issue will in some form come before the supreme court now that captain Alito has taken his seat on the bench. SO my question to the panel is this. If there is an attempt to overturn Roe V Wade, how would it be approached? I'm no legal expert by any stretch, so I'm wondering how the pro-lifers might make a run at it. Incientally, my feelings on the subject are this; while I'm not thrilled with the idea of abortion, (No one loves it, I know) I lean towards the right to choose.
David, the strategy is to attack and overturn the Federal law that gives a woman the right to choose, which would then leave the question up to individual states. Already many states have laws restricting abortion in terms of access (permission from parents/husband before going forward, inability to cross state lines to get an abortion in another state, etc.) and the window of time to get an abortion is shrinking as well. Doctors and other health care providers may not suggest abortion as an option and many pharmacists refuse to dispense birth control or the morning after pill. I think the strategy at the State level is to bring all the states into line one by one until if is finally not legal anywhere. I think CA will hold out the longest, we are still a blue state. but all the red states will rush to criminalize abortion if the Fed protection is gone, IMO.

02-02-2006, 09:23 PM
David, the strategy is to attack and overturn the Federal law that gives a woman the right to choose, which would then leave the question up to individual states. Already many states have laws restricting abortion in terms of access (permission from parents/husband before going forward, inability to cross state lines to get an abortion in another state, etc.) and the window of time to get an abortion is shrinking as well. Doctors and other health care providers may not suggest abortion as an option and many pharmacists refuse to dispense birth control or the morning after pill.Oh, so then it wouldnt be a simple cut and dried situation of something coming before the court where a ruling they would make would outlaw abortion in one fell swoop?