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View Full Version : Election Terrorist Attacks?????

10-25-2004, 10:13 PM
With the election so close, I'm getting nervous. The Spain attacks were the weekend before their election, so that leaves us 4 days... :distress:

I voted early on Saturday, so I'm not worried about not being able to vote. Just wondering what you all think about the possibility of an attack, and what effect (if any) an attack will have on the election.

Or, if there is an attack, what effect will it have on YOU getting to the polls. (Assuming Bush doesn't shut the country down and delay the election...)

10-25-2004, 10:17 PM
The Const. sets the day for the election - but you never know :eek:

I am flying this Thurs. and next MONDAY. Oh Well - if the plane goes down - please know I have lead one helluva life and have no regrets :laugh:

10-25-2004, 10:23 PM
There is such tension in the air right now. It seems that everything is kind of on hold until after Nov. 2.
It is going to be most interesting watching George Bush having to relinquish his pseudo presidency. I predict some kind of Nixonesque meltdown.
That said, I am very disturbed at 300+ tons of munitions missing in Iraq and Cheney's recent nuclear (read-dirty bomb?) comments.
Also, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court having a tracheotomy is unsettling. Coincidences or stage setting? We'll see.

10-25-2004, 10:26 PM
I know - and along the same line, I so believe Rove has something up his sleeve and is ready to play his hand.

10-25-2004, 10:29 PM
Speaking of that, there were SWAT Bart police going up and down the BART trains with giant, giant machine gun looking things. that was neat...

10-25-2004, 10:47 PM
to watch the political-puppets dance a great marionette jig...Time to cut the strings on Nov.2nd!!!!

Brian "Bow to Leper Messiah..." j.

10-25-2004, 10:59 PM
That said, I am very disturbed at 300+ tons of munitions missing in Iraq and Cheney's recent nuclear (read-dirty bomb?) comments.

Eh, there are 390+ sites, and multi-multi more tonage of munitions around as well as the country is just awash with guns, artillery, pointy sticks...etc. I am more upset that the museums were looted than munitions. The munitions of the types missing can be bought anywhere on the world market. Can't replace the antiquities form the dawn of the worlds civilizations. No one brings up these losses. (Also major sites are continaully being looted as we speak). But then again, very few care about history anymore...so lets repeat it ...one-more-time.

"Ouch' I got a splinter getting down off my soapbox. :D

10-25-2004, 11:00 PM
Eh, there are 390+ sites, and multi-multi more tonage of munitions around as well as the country is just awash with guns, artillery, pointy sticks...etc. I am more upset that the museums were looted than munitions. The munitions of the types missing can be bought anywhere on the world market. Can't replace the antiquities form the dawn of the worlds civilizations. No one brings up these losses. (Also major sites are continaully being looted as we speak). But then again, very few care about history anymore...so lets repeat it ...one-more-time.

"Ouch' I got a splinter getting down off my soapbox. :D
good point, though.

10-25-2004, 11:52 PM
Eh, there are 390+ sites, and multi-multi more tonage of munitions around as well as the country is just awash with guns, artillery, pointy sticks...etc.

Well, it doesn't really jibe with the "I will keep you safer" meme, now does it?
Also, if you do a search, I am willing to bet that one of the "libruls" on the board has discussed the looting at some point. We've been up one side and down the other of this whole Iraq thing.

10-26-2004, 07:20 AM
Or, if there is an attack, what effect will it have on YOU getting to the polls. (Assuming Bush doesn't shut the country down and delay the election...)

F*ck no. I'll be the first in line with a smile plastered across my face to cast my vote for John Forbes Kerry and John Edwards.

10-26-2004, 07:22 AM
That said, I am very disturbed at 300+ tons of munitions missing in Iraq and Cheney's recent nuclear (read-dirty bomb?) comments.

I suspect that this happened on purpose. While it looks bad that 400 tons of explosives are missing, it lends Bush more support because he can claim that he is needed now more than ever because the terra'ists have new weapons. I predict a two point surge for Bush in the next few days.

10-26-2004, 08:52 AM
It is an interesting week...like no other...I voted yesterday, got it out of the way.
I also feel like the tension is high and everything is up the air..this election could sway so many ways depending on the latest news stories...so it's like sitting on the edge of your seat in a horror flick...

I dunno about you all I'm just ready for Nov 3 to be here (although we likely will not know who the President-elect is, the voting part will atleast be over)


10-26-2004, 09:01 AM
It is an interesting week...like no other...I voted yesterday, got it out of the way.
I also feel like the tension is high and everything is up the air..this election could sway so many ways depending on the latest news stories...so it's like sitting on the edge of your seat in a horror flick...

I dunno about you all I'm just ready for Nov 3 to be here (although we likely will not know who the President-elect is, the voting part will atleast be over)


I know what you mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to New Orleans for four days of drunken debauchery. I have worked out a little speech for when people start in with politics, which BTW should NEVER be mixed with alchohol: laugh: The speech involves my open right hand being quickly raised with the plam facing the speaker and my loud and probably slurred snipe of "IT IS A POLITICS FREE WEEKEND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: " Of course, we'll see how long that lasts - I give it ten minutes :laugh: - but at least I am making the effort!!!! :cool:

10-26-2004, 09:08 AM
yesterday I was at a press conference with Denny Hastert - and one of the reporters there came out and asked about attacks or attempts to disrupt the election process...he quoted something Putin said - then skirted around the issue..then never answered the question...

It was posed again by another reporter...same crap...he just said it's a possibility...:rolleyes:

10-26-2004, 10:53 AM
yesterday I was at a press conference with Denny Hastert - and one of the reporters there came out and asked about attacks or attempts to disrupt the election process...he quoted something Putin said - then skirted around the issue..then never answered the question...

It was posed again by another reporter...same crap...he just said it's a possibility...:rolleyes:

He quoted Putin? God help us all. :distress: